Rob to be Writer in Residence in Kitchener this fall

I'm delighted to announce that I will be the Edna Staebler Writer in Residence at the Kitchener (Ontario) Public Library this fall.
I will be doing free appraisals/critiques of manuscripts of all types, and having private one-on-one hour long consultations with the authors of the works submitted. I'll also be leading a couple of workshops and giving a reading.
I'm only doing a limited number of appraisals during my residency, and it's first come, first served. Manuscripts will be accepted starting Monday, August 14, 2006, at the Main Library's Marketing & Communications department on the Lower Level.
All the details are here.
(Kitchener is a city in southern Ontario, adjacent to Waterloo, and about an hour and a half from downtown Toronto.)
This is my third writer-in-residence stint at a library. I was writer in residence at the Richmond Hill (Ontario) Public Library in 2000, and at the Toronto Public Library's Merril Collection of Science Fiction, Speculation and Fantasy, in 2003.
Oh my! I might have to make a special trip to K/W this summer!
Unless you want to come to Brighton... (smile)
--Jessica Thomas
Hey! That's my hometown. Have fun.
Make that two for Brighton. England that is.
Very cool news, Rob. Congrats.
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