Booklist loves Identity Theft

Go me! The American Library Association's magazine Booklist -- one of the buying bibles for bookstores as well as libraries -- has a review coming in its May 14, 2008, edition of my new short story collection Identity Theft and Other Stories. Says reviewer Carl Hays:
"As fellow Canadian SF author Robert Charles Wilson points out [in the introduction to the book], Sawyer's fiction possesses a remarkable down-to-earth quality that appeals to readers of all nationalities. Yet Sawyer's collection showcases not only an irresistibly engaging narrative voice but also a gift for confronting thorny philosophical conundrums. At every opportunity, Sawyer forces his readers to think while holding their attention with ingenious premises and superlative craftsmanship."Not a bad birthday present at all! (Today is my 48th birthday ...)
The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site
Congrats and Happy Birthday! BTW, mine was on Monday.
Congrats and Happy belated birthday. Currently plowing through GRRM's Dreamsongs, but I look forward to reading this, as well as finishing the quintaglio trilogy.
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