Sawyer starships at Brickfest 2008

Ben Wall, a fan of my stories, just sent me the above photo from BrickFest in Washington D.C., a convention for adult fans of Lego. The placard says:
Brickfest 2008How cool is that! :) :) :)
Starships Merelcas and Starplex
by Phillip Thorne, 33
Exploratory starships from the Robert J. Sawyer novels "Calculating God" (2001) and "Starplex" (1996)
More of Phillip's amazing work is online -- including a Lego model of Hollus having dinner at the Jericho househould from Calculating God. Check it out here.
The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site
Starplex the actual vessel...strikes me as something deserving of a larger-scale interpretation if you're going to use Lego or its competitors as your medium of choice...but no argument that Ben has very good taste in his choices!
And he's reminded me that someday I want to sit down with my copy of TurboCAD and really play with it for a month or three. If only...
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