According to The Hollywood Reporter ...

I neither confirm nor deny this rumour, but The Hollywood Reporter had an article yesterday that said this:
ABC is so excited about its new project Flash Forward the network has plans to start marketing the show before its even officially ordered a series.The full Hollywood Reporter article is here.
When viewers tune in for the 100th episode of Lost next week [on Wednesday, April 29, 2009], they will be served an extra dose of mystery. Sources said ABC will launch a stealth promo campaign for Flash during the episode ...
The mystery [ad] spots will in fact be for Flash ... Promoting a new show for next season in April -- a program that hasn't even been formerly announced yet -- is extremely unusual.
Based on Robert J. Sawyer's sci-fi novel, Flash starring Joseph Fiennes, chronicles the aftermath of a global event in which everyone in the world blacks out for 2 minutes, 17 seconds and has a mysterious vision of the future.
Note to Canadian viewers: remember to watch a US feed for Lost (from an American ABC affiliate), not the Canadian broadcast by CTV, or you won't see the Flash Forward promo(s) ... if, in fact, there are any.
Oh, and in the nice coincidence department, Lost's hundredth episode airs on April 29 -- which happens to be my birthday. :)
The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site
Labels: Flash Forward, Flashforward
All this buzz has to mean something.
Since 'Lost' makes heavy use of flashbacks and flashforwards, do you think there is any risk that viewers think of 'Flash Forward' as a spin-off (or perhaps a rip-off) of 'Lost'?
With millions of viewers, some people are bound to misconstrue things, but so what? :) FLASH FORWARD the novel was published in 1999; it clearly predates LOST.
One thing that quoted article proves is that basic literacy is not a requirement for the Hollywood Reporter. ("formerly announced?!?!")
To be honest with you, when I first heard about "Flash Forward" it was already touted as a companion show for LOST, so I thought it would either be a spin-off or some kind of non-fiction analysis of the show similar to the bonus features on their DVD sets.
This is very embarrassing for me, but in addition to that I - not being a native speaker of the English language - consciously heard the term "flashforward" for the first time in conjunction with LOST's season three finale! So I thought Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse might have made up that word since they often mint new words in their podcasts.
Now I know that the novel predates LOST, of course, but I'd never heard about it before its TV adaption was announced. And considering the scope of the LOST phenomenon I'm afraid this will be the case for many other people as well ... So I hope the trailers will contain a "based on the award-winning novel of the same name" line!
I think once the show gets off the ground people will see how different it is from Lost. I'll definitely be tuning in.
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