Mass-market paperback cover for US edition of WWW: Wake

The Ace Science Fiction mass-market edition of Wake will be in stores in April 2010; here's what the cover of their edition will look like. The cover design is by Rita Frangie.
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Was there a time when it was just called "Wake"? When I picked it up at the library a few weeks ago there were two copies on the new book shelves, identical covers, yet one said "Wake", and one said "WWW:Wake". Obviously I figured out that they were the same book (excellent read, by the way), but it was odd to see two different titles.
The American edition, from Ace, is called WWW:WAKE. The Canadian edition, from Viking, which has an almost identical cover, is called just WAKE. :)
Apparently you're popular at the Guelph public library then, because we have 5 copies of the Canadian edition, and 4 of the American. Thanks for clearing that up :-)
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