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Alpha Centauri Information
The orbital mechanics of the Alpha Centauri system, as presented in my
novel Illegal Alien, were worked out with
the help of Jean-Louis Trudel, who was at the University of Toronto at
the time I wrote the book, and Edward F. Guinan of the Department
of Astronomy and Astrophysics at Villanova University, one of the
world's foremost experts on Alpha Centauri. Both are thanked
on the acknowledgments page for the novel.
A Few Facts About the Alpha Centauri System
- Separation between Alpha Centauri A and B varies from 11
to 35 Astronomical Units; they take 80 years to orbit around each other.
- Stable planetary orbits are only found within 1/5 of the
distance of closest approach, meaning 2 AU is the limit
for stable orbits around either A or B.
- From a planet orbiting Centauri A at 1 AU, the apparent
magnitude of Centauri B ranges from -18.1 to -20.6
- From a planet orbiting Centauri B at 1 AU, the apparent
magnitude of Centauri A ranges from -21.9 to -19.4
- Proxima Centauri is currently 13,000 AUs from A and B; no
orbital parameters of it are known.
Astronomical Data
Sol A Cen A A Cen B Proxima
Color Yellow Yellow Orange Red
Spectral type G2 G2 K1 M5
Temperature 5800K 5800K 5300K 2700K
Mass 1.0 1.09 0.90 0.10
Radius 1.0 1.2 0.8 0.2
Brightness 1.0 1.54 0.44 0.00006
Apparent magnitude -26.7 0.0 1.4 11.1
Absolute magnitude 4.85 4.38 5.74 15.54
Distance (light-years) 0 4.35 4.35 4.22
Age (billions of years) 4.6 5 5 **
** Age of Proxima is unknown; M-class stars live for many billions of
years. However, Proxima is a flare star, which could imply that it's one
billion years old; on the other hand, if it was formed with A and B,
obviously it is also 5 billion years old.
Some Sources Used for the Orbital Calculations in Illegal Alien
- "Does Alpha Centauri Have Intelligent Life?" by Ken Croswell in the April
1991 issue of Astronomy Magazine.
- "Proxima Centauri: Rotation, Chromospheric
Activity, and Flares" by E. F. Guinan and N. D.
Morgan, presented at the 1996 meeting of the
American Astronomical Society.
- "Rotation and Stellar Activity of the Stars of the
Alpha Centauri Triple Star System" by J. E. Jay, E.
F. Guinan, N. D. Morgan, S. Messina, and D.
Jassour, presented at the 1997 meeting of the
American Astronomical Society.
- "The Stability of Planets in the Alpha Centauri
System" by Paul Wiegert and Matt Holman in the April 1997
Astronomical Journal.
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