SFWRITER.COM > Novels > Mindscan > Catalog Copy (SFBC)
SFBC Catalog Copy
by Robert J. Sawyer
Description from the May 2005 issue of Things To Come,
the monthly catalog of the
Science Fiction Book Club.
My name is Jake Sullivan. I was born with a rare brain
disorder, and for all my 44 years, I lived under the threat of
sudden death. Then Mindscan, the most sophisticated technology of
2045, showed me how to cheat fate. I underwent the process, which
copied my consciousness into a virtually indestructible android
Life as an upload is strange and wonderful. I don't sweat,
sneeze, get tired or hungry. I see colors I never knew existed.
And I've found love something I avoided when I was encased
in fragile flesh with the android version of Karen, a
famous children's book author, who's rediscovering all the joys
of life now that she is free of her geriatric body.
There are downsides, too. My mother refuses to accept me as her
son, and even my dog has rejected me. Then Karen's old body dies,
and her son takes her to court, claiming that by uploading, she
did him out of his inheritance. And in the midst of all this, I
start making contact with other uploads of myself, uploads I
never authorized and that somehow aren't quite right ...
Meanwhile, on the far side of the moon ...
When I, the original Jake Sullivan, got Mindscanned, I thought
I'd escape sudden death by having my consciousness copied into an
android body. Operative word: copied. Because the reality is
that I'm still here, while the machine me has taken over
my old life virtually forever. I retired to the moon to
live out my life in luxury, and then they found a cure for my
condition. Now I have a new lease on life, but the life I want is
the one I signed away all rights to on Earth. Only the imposter
is legally real. And I'm mad enough to do something rash ...
More Good Reading
More about Mindscan
Other novels by Robert J. Sawyer
John W. Campbell Memorial Award press release
My Very Occasional Newsletter
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