Robert J. Sawyer

Hugo and Nebula Award-Winning Science Fiction Writer

Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Rob to receive honourary doctorate

Monday, April 16th, 2007

Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario, has announced its 2007 list of recipients of honourary doctorates. I’m thrilled to be on the list, and will receive my honorary doctorate of letters on Saturday, June 2, 2007. I’ve known about this since January 23 of last year, but only now am I seeing who else is getting […]

CJAD interviews Rob

Monday, April 16th, 2007

By kind permission of Peter Anthony Holder, the host of Holder Tonight on CJAD, Montreal’s number-one newstalk radio station, here’s a 20-minute interview with me talking about Rollback that first aired on Saturday, April 14, 2007. I think it’s a terrific interview. Peter is a big SF fan, and asked wonderful questions. Peter has been […]

U.S. Book Launch for Rollback

Monday, April 16th, 2007

The drive down to the United States from Canada was fine and fast, with no hassles at the border. And the U.S. launch party for Rollback at Write Book and Gift in Honeoye Falls, New York, went really well — in some ways better than yesterday’s Bakka-Phoenix event. The store is co-owned by Hugo finalist […]

Free Wifi on the New York State Thruway

Sunday, April 15th, 2007

Cool! The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Rob on Rochester, NY, NPR affiliate

Sunday, April 15th, 2007

That’s Bob Smith, the host of 1370 Connection on the Rochester, New York, National Public Radio affiliate. I’ll be the guest for a full hour tomorrow, Monday, April 16, 2007, starting at 1:00 p.m. Eastern time. You can listen in real time here on the internet, or over the air in Rochester at 1370 AM. […]

More pictures from the Rollback launch party

Sunday, April 15th, 2007

The official launch party for Rollback by Robert J. Sawyer was held today at Toronto’s Bakka-Phoenix Books, where Rob worked 25 years ago. Sadly, most of my pictures didn’t turn out, but here are a few that did — more or less. :) Two of my favourite people in the world: Chris Szego, the manager […]

Photos from the Bakka-Phoenix book launch

Sunday, April 15th, 2007

… are on Flickr, in the Quill and Quire photo pool. The ones by “Harbourlight” from today are from my launch — that’s the online name of Gene Wilburn; you can also see the pictures on Gene’s page (where they’re laid out better). The launch was a huge success, and a very auspicious start to […]

Student questions about Calculating God

Saturday, April 14th, 2007

It’s the time of year when high-school students are doing book reports. I’m always flattered when one of them chooses to do something about one of my books — and sometimes the students send me questions, which I do try to answer. The set of questions below came to me from a 17-year-old grade-11 student, […]

Screen Captures from The Agenda

Saturday, April 14th, 2007

I was on TVOntario’s The Agenda with Steve Paikin last night talking about neuroplasticity. You can get the whole program online, but here are a few screen captures: The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

McNally Robinson opening Toronto store

Saturday, April 14th, 2007

Woohoo! The wonderful Western Canadian bookstore chain McNally Robinson will be opening a store in Toronto, at the revamped Don Mills Centre, in August 2008. This will give them stores in Calgary, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, Manhattan, and Toronto. I love McNally Robinson! The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Video podcast of The Agenda

Saturday, April 14th, 2007

Last night I was a guest on TVOntario’s The Agenda — an amazing program that devotes a full hour (no commercials, even!) to an indepth discussion of a single topic. The topic of last night’s show: neuroplasticity. For those who missed it, you can download the whole show as a 128 MB MP4 video file […]

Quill at Bakka

Friday, April 13th, 2007

Of course, Bakka-Phoenix Books subscribes to Quill & Quire, the Canadian publishing trade journal, for the store’s own use, but it’s not a magazine they normally carry for sale. But, because I’m on the cover and Bakka manager Chris Szego wrote an article for the May issue, they’ve brought in 20 copies for sale at […]

And the CBC just called …

Thursday, April 12th, 2007

… so I just did a quick-and-dirty phoner for Radio One about the sad passing of Kurt Vonnegut. Of course, I did my best to place him in the context of science fiction. I’m sorry to see him go. The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Rob on TVOntario’s THE AGENDA tonight

Thursday, April 12th, 2007

I will be one of the guests on TVOntario’s flagship current-affairs program The Agenda tonight. The show is hosted by Steve Paikin. The topic is neuroplasticity — the ability of our brains to do things evolution never designed them for, and to recover from severe damage. From the producer: “It’ll start off with a one-on-one […]

Albany, New York, appearance

Thursday, April 12th, 2007

Just a note that my appearance in the Albany area is this coming Monday, April 16, 2007. The date is right both on my website and the website for Flights of Fantasy, the store I will be signing at, but the day of the week is wrong on the Flights of Fantasy site (where it […]

Calculating God film option

Wednesday, April 11th, 2007

I’m pleased to announce that film rights to my Hugo Award-nominated novel Calculating God have been optioned by Rampage Entertainment in Vancouver. For those who are curious, my properties currently under option are Hominids, Mindscan, The Terminal Experiment, the novella “Identity Theft” and its sequel “Biding Time,” and now Calculating God. The Robert J. Sawyer […]


Wednesday, April 11th, 2007

No sooner am I set up on MySpace than people start telling me Facebook is where all the really cool folks hang out now! Well, I’m happy to be both places. On MySpace, I’m here, and on Facebook I’m here. Facebook asked for a favourite quote, and I always think this is good advice, so […]

A quick-and-dirty interview

Wednesday, April 11th, 2007

I’ve been doing a lot of by-email interviews with newspapers and magazines to help promote Rollback. Most of these are done in a single, quick session at the keyboard. Here’s a sample one I did last week for a paper in Richmond, Virginia (tying in to my appearance as Guest of Honor at Ravencon there, […]

Relativity at Bakka-Phoenix

Wednesday, April 11th, 2007

Okay, yes, of course, I want you all to buy Rollback at my book launch at Bakka-Phoenix Books this Saturday, April 14, at 3:00 p.m. in Toronto. But Bakka-Phoenix is one of the only places in all of Canada where you can also get Relativity: Essays and Stories, my small-press hardcover collection put out by […]

Blog T.O. interviews Rob

Wednesday, April 11th, 2007

Blog T.O. — the number-one blog about Toronto — has just put a great interview with me online, conducted by Ryan Oakley.

Rob on the cover of Quill & Quire

Wednesday, April 11th, 2007

Woohoo! I’m a cover boy! :) Quill & Quire is the Canadian publishing trade journal — the bible of the book trade in Canada — and, to my delight, I’m on the cover of the May 2007 issue, which has just started shipping to subscribers and bookstores. The cover photo is by Kevin Kelly. The […]

A larger view of the Quill & Quire cover

Wednesday, April 11th, 2007

Here’s a bigger view of the Quill & Quire issue with Robert J. Sawyer on the cover, as discussed in the preceding blog entry. UPDATE: And see here for the full text of the profile of Rob that appeared in that issue. Photo by Kevin Kelly; art direction by Gary Campbell. The Robert J. Sawyer […]

More Adventures in SciFi Publishing

Wednesday, April 11th, 2007

Part two of the podcast interview with me at Adventures in SciFi Publishing is now online here. And part one is still available. The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

The Globe and Mail ad

Tuesday, April 10th, 2007

This ad for the science-fiction novel Rollback by Robert J. Sawyer took up two-fifths of a page in the Books section of The Globe and Mail, Canada’s national newspaper, on Saturday, April 7, 2007. The ad was placed by H.B. Fenn, Tor’s Canadian distributor, and was designed by Nicole Simmons. The Robert J. Sawyer Web […]

Remind me of who you are, please

Tuesday, April 10th, 2007

A little request for the upcoming book tour. Please, if I know you, remind me of who you are when you come up to say hello. I’ll be exhausted, jet-lagged, and seeing lots of people out of context, and I’m personally just not that good with faces (I almost never remember someone’s face after the […]

Rob reviews Star Trek remastered

Tuesday, April 10th, 2007

In honor of the 40th anniversary of the original Star Trek series, CBS — the current owner of the series — has been digitally remastering the classic episodes … and completely redoing most of the special effects as computer-generated imagery. Each week, a new episode is released to syndication. The best source of information about […]

More World Horror Convention photos

Tuesday, April 10th, 2007

Scott Edelman — the editor of SciFi Weekly — has posted his photos from the Toronto World Horror Convention, including the one above of yours truly. (Scott may also have the only picture ever of book collector Dave Willoughby in which Dave is not smiling.) The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Johnny Hart, R.I.P.

Monday, April 9th, 2007

In the early years, B.C., the daily comic strip by Johnny Hart, was pure genius — one of my absolute favourites. I also think it was what first introduced me to the notion of meta-fiction. Peter says to Curls, I think, one day: “I’ve discovered there’s a pump inside us that makes us go! I’m […]

Who’s the hardest-working man in SF?

Monday, April 9th, 2007

:) Locus Online has upcoming author events listed, including a good summary of the book tour for Rollback, showing 18 events for me over the next six weeks. The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Message to

Monday, April 9th, 2007

Hey,! Update your DataViewer software, for Pete’s sake. It’s been OVER TWO YEARS since you updated it (on February 23, 2005), and it really does need work; the Palm OS version has a truly crappy display and lousy interface. You’ve got some great text databases — like the Concise Encyclopaedia Britannica — available, but […]