Robert J. Sawyer

Hugo and Nebula Award-Winning Science Fiction Writer

Sawyer jokes

by Rob - June 8th, 2007

My friend and writing student Nicholas Collins sent me these wonderful jokes he came up with, based on my books. You’ll have to know my novels well to get them all — but I think they’re terrific!

How many mindscans (uploads) does it take to change a light bulb?

Only one, but it will cost a lot of money because he’ll want to ship the old bulb all the way to High Eden on the moon.

How many rollbacks does it take to change a light bulb?

Only one, and the best part is you know he’ll be around to change the bulb for you again next time, and the time after that, and the time after that … etc.

How many female Waldahudin does it take to change a light bulb?

I don’t know, she keeps waiting for a male to do it for her.

How many male Waldahudin does it take to change a light bulb?

I don’t know, they keep fighting over who should get to change it.

How many Quintaglios does it take to change a light bulb?

Well, we started with a group of eight, but now there’s only one left, so he’d better be able to change the bulb.

How many Neanderthals does it take to change a light bulb?

I’m not sure, I forgot to count them – but I can check the alibi archive, right?

How many characters from Flashforward does it take to change a light bulb?

Only one, but they can all warn you when the bulb will need changing twenty-one years in advance.

How many Wreeds does it take to change a light bulb?

Maybe a few, or more, or a lot, or some … I’m not really sure (and neither are the Wreeds).

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Audio interviews and readings with RJS Books authors

by Rob - June 8th, 2007

I’m delighted to present a series of audio files and podcasts: Editor Rob Sawyer interviewing authors who have published under his Robert J. Sawyer Books imprint at Fitzherny & Whiteside — plus readings by the authors from their books!

Marcos Donnelly, author of Letters from the Flesh:

Danita Maslan, author of Rogue Harvest:

Nick DiChario, author of A Small And Remarkable Life:

For more on these and all the other titles, see the Robert J. Sawyer Books website — or our full-color ad inside the front cover of the June 2007 issue of Locus.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

by Rob - June 7th, 2007

Romantic Times Book Reviews has reviewed Rollback by Robert J. Sawyer, calling it “Riveting — highly emotional and original; a complex story with sympathetic and believable characters.”

The full review is here.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Canadian SF&F Database

by Rob - June 6th, 2007

Marcel Gagné and I were chatting about a big problem with the Aurora Awards, namely that there was no convenient centralized place for people to post information about Canadian-authored works that they themselves have written, or are aware of by other people, that are eligible (either for the Auroras or other annual awards).

Well, this is the era of the wiki, and so Marcel and I have now set up a new one just for this purpose: The Canadian SF Works Database.

Marcel (who did all the technical work) felt it was important that people need to have an account to post, so please set up an account and go ahead and add to the lists! Marcel and I have simply started this … but, like all wikis, it’s wide open, and belongs to its users … including you!

The URL is easy remember: Check it out — and add to the lists! And, please, help spread the word!

The Future and You

by Rob - June 6th, 2007

The podcast “The Future and You” interviewed Robert J. Sawyer, Mike Resnick, David Coe, and a bunch of others at Ravencon in April 2007, and the interviews are now available in this week’s podcast, available here.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Visiting Northern Ontario Schools

by Rob - June 6th, 2007

After the weekend in Sudbury, during which I got my honorary doctorate, Carolyn and I drove on to Sault Ste. Marie Ontario, where I spent the next two days — Monday, June 4, and Tuesday, June 5, 2007 — visiting with students from five area high schools. You can read an account of one of the visits here and here.

Special thanks to David Frech of Central Algoma Secondary School for coordinating all the school visits. The students — ranging from grade 9 to 12, were all wonderfully inquisitive, polite, and pleasant, and they asked lots of great questions.

On Monday night, between the two days of school visits, I did a signing at the Coles bookstore in Cambrian Mall. It’s a small mall, and it was a miserable, rainy night — so I was very pleasantly surprised by the number of people who came out to the signing; I really quite enjoyed it.

After the last school visit, Carolyn and I did the seven-hour drive back to Mississauga — whew! It’s good to be home. And I am actually home for — gasp! — an entire week (until Wednesday, June 13, when I head off to Alberta to give the keynote address at the annual meeting of the Canadian Public Relations Society). Still busy, though: in the interim, it’s BookExpo Canada, the big tradeshow.

Poster announcing Rob’s visit to Korah School

Students listening to Rob at Central Algoma Secondary School in Desberats, Ontario

Rob joins in for a class photo at White Pines, a school in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario (I’m wearing the official shirt of the Calgary Westercon from a couple of years ago)

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Sunday in Sudbury

by Rob - June 6th, 2007

Sunday, June 3, 2007 — the day after I got my honorary doctorate from Laurentian University — I did a victory lap in Sudbury, appearing at the Chapters bookstore there. :) We had an excellent overflow crowd, including several Laurentian faculty members and some of the students who had graduated the day before, and heard my convocation address.

(The sign over my head at the reading was wonderfully appropriate — it’s exactly how I felt!)

After the reading and signing was over, the staff of the Sudbury Chapters presented me with a couple of wonderful gifts: a big box of various dark chocolate bars (my favorite — and pretty low in carbs!), and a wonderful framed and signed photo of Science North, the science museum in Sudbury, with a plaque beneath it that says:

The Other World of
Ponter Boddit
Chapters Sudbury
June 2, 2007

(Ponter is the Neanderthal quantum physicist who slides through to this version of reality in Sudbury, in my Hugo Award-winning novel Hominids and its sequels.) Way, way cool!

After that, Carolyn and I were taken out to lunch by David Goforth, Ph.D., of Laurentian University’s Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, and David Robinson, Ph.D., of Laurentian’s Department of Economics. Although I received my honorary doctorate this year in response to me being nominated by Michael Emond, Ph.D., of Laurentian’s Department of Psychology in 2005, it turns out the two Davids had previously also nominated me, as well, in 2003 — which was very flattering to hear.

More: Drs. Goforth and Robinson are collaborating on a book on game theory, a discipline that’s going to figure prominently in my upcoming WWW trilogy, and we had a wonderful brainstorming session — thanks, guys!

Carolyn and I then headed out of Sudbury, stopping to take a picture of the Big Nickel — a Sudbury landmark. We then drove the three hours to Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario (putting us a total of seven hours from Toronto), where we checked into a hotel. Why? See my next blog entry …

The staff of Chapters in Sudbury gave me some neat gifts!

Sudbury’s Big Nickel (science fiction writer to scale); that’s King George VI, Canada’s former monarch, on the obverse

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Quill & Quire profiles Rob

by Rob - June 4th, 2007

Quill and Quire, the Canadian publishing trade journal, has just posted its cover-story profile of Robert J. Sawyer online; the cover story appeared in the May 2007 issue. The profile is titled “Nothing but blue skies: For Canadian sci-fi giant Robert J. Sawyer, the future is bright.” Read the full text here.

Update March 2008: Quill & Quire names Robert J. Sawyer one of “the 30 most influential, innovative, and just plain powerful people in Canadian publishing.”

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Honorary Doctorate for Robert J. Sawyer

by Rob - June 2nd, 2007

On Saturday, June 2, 2007, Robert J. Sawyer received an honorary doctorate (Doctor of Letters, honoris causa) from Laurentian University, in Sudbury, Ontario; Sawyer also gave the convocation address to graduating arts students that day. The doctorate was given in recognition of Sawyer’s international success as a science-fiction writer.

Laurentian, a bilingual English-and-French institution, is the leading university in northern Ontario. During the same series of convocations, other honorary doctorates were awarded, including to civil-rights leader Minnijean Brown Trickey, one of the Little Rock Nine. Laurentian bestowed its first honorary doctorate of letters in 1970, to Canadian literary legend Farley Mowat.

Sawyer’s Hugo Award-winning novel Hominids and its sequels Humans and Hybrids are set largely in the Sudbury area, including at the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory and at Laurentian University itself (which is known worldwide for Michael Persinger‘s research there using transcranial magnetic stimulation inducing religious experiences, research that figures prominently in Hybrids).

Sawyer was nominated for the doctorate by Michael Emond, a tenured professor in Laurentian’s Psychology Department. Said Emond when making the nomination: “I could think of no better candidate that exemplifies the reasons why I am proud to be Canadian.”

Receiving the honorary doctorate was the final stop on Sawyer’s six-week book tour promoting the release of his seventeenth novel, Rollback (Tor, April 2007).

Laurentian University press release


Robert J. Sawyer receives his honorary doctorate from Laurentian president Judith Woodsworth, while Dr. Michael Emond, who nominated Rob for the doctorate, looks on.

Rob gives the convocation address; read the full text here.

Carolyn Clink, President Woodsworth, and Robert J. Sawyer at the reception after the convocation

A close-up of the diploma.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Photos from last night

by Rob - June 2nd, 2007

Photos from the dinner at the Laurentian University president’s house. Minnijean Brown-Trickey was one of the Little Rock Nine, and is a prominent Civil Rights activist; Dr. Michael Emond, of Laurentian’s Department of Psychology, nominated science-fiction writer Robert J. Sawyer for his honorary doctorate, which he will receive later today; Minnijean also received an honorary doctorate from Laurentian.

Minnijean Brown Trickey, Robert J. Sawyer:

Robert J. Sawyer, Michael Emond:

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

At Laurentian

by Rob - June 2nd, 2007

Carolyn and I had a very nice drive up through beautiful countryside to Sudbury, Ontario, today — about five hours on the road. Tonight, we had dinner at the home of the president of Laurentian; the dinner was in honour of myself and the other recipients of honorary doctorates this year, including Minnijean Brown Trickey. Minnijean was one of the Little Rock Nine — the African-American students who integrated Central High in Little Rock, Arkansas, 50 years ago. I told her how much she meant to me, and we both got teary eyed, and she hugged me. It was an absolute thrill.

At my table at dinner was Prof. Michael Emond, the Laurentian psych professor who nominated me for the honorary doctorate. We’d never met before, but immediately hit it off; he’ll be introducing me tomorrow. And, in fact, I was pleased to see the program book for tomorrow’s convocation, which says:

Dr. Michael Emond will present Mr. Robert Sawyer for the Doctorate of Letters (honoris causa). Dr. Sawyer will address Convocation.

What a cool moment of transition! I’m still stunned that this is happening to me … I’m very flattered, and very pleased.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Watch Rob get his doctorate!

by Rob - June 1st, 2007

Laurentian University is giving me an honorary doctorate TOMORROW (Saturday, June 2, 2007), and they will be webcasting the ceremony. You can watch it live as it happens, starting at 2:30 p.m. Eastern time (Toronto/New York) on Saturday, June 2, 2007, right here.

(If that link doesn’t work, go to the main convocation page here, and select the webcast at the very bottom of the page.)

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

DiChario nominated for Campbell Memorial

by Rob - June 1st, 2007

I am thrilled to report that Nick DiChario‘s A Small and Remarkable Life, published under the Robert J. Sawyer Books imprint, has been short-listed for one of the most prestigious awards in all of science fiction: The John W. Campbell Memorial Award for Best Novel of the Year.

The short list is here.

The Campbell Memorial is the principal juried award in the field, bestowed by a blue-ribbon panel of American and British academics and authors.

As it happens, I myself won the award last year for my novel Mindscan, so you’ll find a lot of information about it in my press release for that win.

For the record, this is the second award nomination for an RJS Books publication; the first, last year, was the Aurora Award — Canada’s top SF award — for best short work in English, for “Alexander’s Road,” the one original story in Karl Schroeder’s collection The Engine oF Recall, as you can see here.

Can I pick ’em, or what? :)

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

China, here I come!

by Rob - May 31st, 2007

To my astonishment and delight, my Chinese publisher has just informed me that I’ve won the Galaxy Award, China’s top science-fiction award, in the category “Most-Popular Foreign Author of the Year.” Go me!

And I will: all the way to Chengdu, China, to collect the award in person in August, and to attend the 2007 International SF/Fantasy Conference in Chengdu, where the award will be given. Carolyn’s coming along; it should be a blast!

Others attending from North America, as I understand it, include David Brin, Frederik Pohl and Betty Ann Hull, and Locus editor Charles N. Brown.

Carolyn and I won’t be continuing on to Japan for the World Science Fiction Convention the following week, though. Instead, we’ll be heading back to Canada’s far north for our writing retreat at Berton House.

By the way, this means, I’ve now won the top SF awards in the United States (the Nebula), France (Le Grand Prix de l’Imaginaire), Japan (the Seiun, which I’ve won three times), and Spain (the Premio UPC de Ciencia Ficcíon, which I’ve also won three times); I’ve also won Canada’s top SF award, the Aurora, nine times, but I don’t group that with the others because only Canadian authors are eligible for it; the Nebula and the Premio UPC are open to authors regardless of nationality, and the Chinese, Japanese, and French awards all have categories for foreign work.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Aurora nominations looming; full-text of Sawyer story

by Rob - May 30th, 2007

Nominations for the 2007 Aurora Awards — the Canadian science fiction and fantasy awards — are now open. You can get the nominating ballot here. Any Canadian, whether or not resident in Canada, may nominate, and there’s no charge to do so.

My own story, eligible for nomination, is the SF/mystery “Biding Time,” from the anthology Slipstreams, is available right here as a Word document — enjoy!

(Deadline for nominations is POSTMARKED by Friday, June 15, 2007.)

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Another keynote

by Rob - May 30th, 2007

I’m off to Montreal tonight to give the keynote address tomorrow moring at the conference “Reasons to Hope, Knowledge to Cope — Innovations in Cancer Patient Education,” being presented by the Cancer Patient Education Network Canada. I do a lot of keynotes for corporations and organizations, talking about the current and projected state of science and technology. More on me as a keynote speaker is here.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

ABC’s LOST and Flashforward

by Rob - May 30th, 2007

I have to confess to never having watched an episode of the ABC TV series Lost, but I know it’s hugely popular — and I know it has a main character named Sawyer.

Well, a fan both of Lost and my work, points out that the name of a funeral home in a recent episode is “Hoffs/Drawlar” — which is an anagram of Flashforward, the title of my 1999 novel.

And he’s enumerated other similarities here.


The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

How I spent Memorial Day

by Rob - May 30th, 2007

Author Adam-Troy Castro and his wife Judi picked us up at the hotel at 10:00 a.m. and we drove the 50 miles to the Kennedy Space Centre (getting slightly lost on the way). The Castros’ rental car’s windshield got so plastered with splattered insects (“love bugs,” we were told they were called) that we actually had a very hard time seeing though the glass.

At one point, I asked if people knew what ate love bugs — then supplied my answer: Herbie-vores. :)

We started our visit to the Kennedy Space Center (which was remarkably uncrowded, given that this was the Memorial Day holiday) by watching the 3D Imax film Walking on the Moon, which was spectacular — all four of us were teary-eyed by the end. We then took the bus tour to the launch-complex viewing platform (where we could see the top of the Shuttle Atlantis on the pad), and to the newly enclosed Saturn V viewing facility.

We lingered so long at various places (but enjoyable so) that we didn’t get to go to the third station on the tour, devoted to the International Space Station, but that was okay. We ran into San Diego fan Cary Meriwether and his girlfriend Michele at KSC, and spent part of our day with them, as well.

We finished our day by doing the Shuttle launch simulator, a new ride (it opened on Friday!) that supposedly accurately mimics a Shuttle launch by simulating three Gs. Although it was purported to be similar in vomit-inducing abilities to the Mission to Space ride at Epcot that we’d done on Friday of last week, it was actually quite tame, and we all enjoyed it. But I was very disappointed in the conclusion, which has the shuttle hanging upside down, with the Earth overhead — because, while looking on the day side of Earth, they had the sky filled with brilliant (Christmas-tree light) stars. You can’t see the stars in space when the Earth is lit up by the sun; there’s too much glare, and the stars are too faint.

For NASA to opt for a Hollywood-style version of space, instead of simulating the real thing, was a huge disservice in my view.

After, Adam, Judi, Carolyn, and I went to Cattleman’s on International Drive for a nice, late steak dinner.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Singularity video

by Rob - May 29th, 2007

There’s a good video here about The Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence. Check it out, and Digg it if you like it!

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

SFBC’s Things to Come

by Rob - May 29th, 2007

Anybody out there got a copy of the bulletin/catalog of the Science Fiction Book Club, that has my Rollback listed as a main selection? If you don’t need your copy, I’d love to have it for my files. My address is:

Robert J. Sawyer
100 City Centre Drive
PO Box 2065
Mississauga ON
Canada L5B 3C6

Many, many thanks!


The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Wilson and Sawyer’s Toronto

by Rob - May 29th, 2007

Karen Bennett has a wonderful survey article on her website entitled The Speculative Torontos of Robert Charles Wilson and Robert J. Sawyer. Check it out!

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

The Rollback book tour comes to an end

by Rob - May 28th, 2007

And so, with the end of Oasis 20, the SF convention in Orlando, Florida, at which I was one of the Guests of Honor this weekend, the book tour for Rollback, my 17th novel, comes to an end.

From Vancouver, B.C., to Washington, D.C.; from Toronto to Denver; from Calgary to Orlando — 18 cities all across the continent: signings, readings, and talks; two convention guest-of-honorships; lots of radio, TV, newspaper, and magazine interviews; a bunch of bestsellers’ list appearances; and a whole lot of fun spread over six amazing, exhilarating, exhausting weeks.

Special thanks to Carolyn Clink, who did enormous work organizing the tour; Janis Ackroyd, my publicist at H.B. Fenn and Company; Alexis Saarela, my publicist at Tor; Harold Fenn of H.B. Fenn and Tom Doherty of Tor Books; Mike Brett-Surman and Kim Moeller; Randy McCharles; Paul Schuch; the Library of Congress; the Saskatchewan Library Association; the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers; Genrecon; Oasis; all the booksellers; all the librarians; all the journalists; and to Rob’s Angels — the wonderful women who helped out as my handlers across Canada: Bonnie Jean Mah in Vancouver, Barb Galler-Smith in Edmonton, Kirstin Morrell in Calgary, and Bev Geddes in Winnipeg. The tour would have been impossible without all of you! THANK YOU!

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Dinner on the Robman

by Rob - May 27th, 2007

In 2004, Mike Resnick was commissioned to edit an original anthology for the Science Fiction Book Club entitled Down These Dark Spaceways. It consisted of six novellas, all by award-winning SF writer, all hard-boiled-detective SF.

The Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) in Spain sponsors the world’s largest cash prize for science-fiction writing, the 6,000-euro Premio UPC de Ciencia Ficción — which happens to be given for novellas. Mike Resnick, Jack McDevitt, and I all submitted our manuscripts from Down These Dark Spaceways. The Premio UPC (called “the most important science fiction award in Europe” by Brian Aldiss) uses blind judging — the jurors receive the manuscripts with pseudonyms attached. When Jack, Mike, and I submitted our novellas, we made a pact: if one of us should win, he would have to take the other two (and their spouses) out to dinner next time we were all together at the same con.

And, well, I won (and, in fact, it was my third time winning the Premio UPC — a record). My novella was “Identity Theft,” which also went on to be nominated for both the Hugo Award and the Nebula Award, and is under option to a Hollywood production company. And this weekend Jack, Mike, and I are all together here at Oasis 20 in Orlando, Florida, and so I took them out, along with their wives, to a nice steak-and-seafood place called Fishbones. We were joined by Michael Bishop and his wife Jeri. A great time was had by all!

Left to right around the table: Jack McDevitt, Maureen McDevitt, Michael Bishop, Jeri Bishop, Carolyn Clink, Robert J. Sawyer, Carol Resnick, Mike Resnick.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Florida evening

by Rob - May 26th, 2007

How’s this for a group of people on one convention panel? Mike Bishop, Jack McDevitt, Kathleen Ann Goonan, Joe Haldeman, Mike Resnick, and Robert J. Sawyer? You don’t usually get a line-up that stellar, if I do say so myself, even at a Worldcon, but that was the roster for the 7:00 p.m. panel on “When was SF’s real golden age?” tonight at Oasis, here in Orlando, Florida.

The con is off to a great start, and has a really nice dealers’ room. Carolyn and I had dinner with Mike and Carol Resnick, plus Barbara Delaplace, a fine writer, fellow Canadian, and old friend from CompuServe (and widow of writer Jack Haldeman); it was great to see her after so many years. The evening was spent outside enjoying the cool breeze and fountains with Jack and Maureen McDevitt, Kathleen Ann Goonan, and Barbara Delaplace.

And now: bed. :)

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site


by Rob - May 25th, 2007

The fourth and final phase of the Rollback book tour is coming to an end; this was the by-plane in the USA part. Last weekend, I was in Denver, and this weekend I’m in Orlando, Florida — where the weather is gorgeous!

I’m one of the Guests of Honor at Oasis 20, the annual SF convention here. We just had a wonderful two-hour buffet lunch with Michael Bishop and his wife Jeri (joined for part of it by Mike Resnick), and I’ve already signed a bunch of books. So, yay!

Yesterday, Carolyn and I went to EPCOT at DisneyWorld; it was a letdown — my favorite pavillion there, “The Living Seas,” formerly sponsored by United Technologies, was one of the best, if not the best, indoor aquarium I’d ever seen … but most of the tanks are gone, replaced with — I kid you not — big-screen TVs showing characters from Finding Nemo. Ugh. We did do the Mission to Mars space simulator, which really did feel like multiple-G acceleration (simulated by spinning the simulator, although you have no sense that it’s spinning, only that you’re being press down upon by a great weight). It upset my stomach, I must say, but Carolyn loved it.

Anyway, must head back to the con!

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Publicity Doesn’t Just Happen: A Case Study

by Rob - May 23rd, 2007

When Publishers Weekly did its cover story on science fiction (in their April 2, 2007, issue), the lead interview was with me, Robert J. Sawyer. The article, by Bethanne Kelly Patrick and Michael Coffey, began:

Robert J. Sawyer knows a thing or two about the future.

“It’s here,” says the Hugo Award-winning author of 18 science fiction books. And that’s not necessarily good for the science fiction/fantasy category, in his view. “The genre is having a hard time retaining readers who see that today’s world is in no way related to the visions SF was peddling in the last century.” Today’s world was supposed to be about “living in outer space,” says Sawyer, “not living in cyberspace.” And the cyberpunk world envisioned by William Gibson was wrong — “that world is not underground and malevolent, but above ground and universal.”

Sawyer’s own writing (he publishes with Tor) vies for timelessness by plumbing eternal philosophical and ethical questions, albeit in a futuristic setting. But Sawyer is also a publisher, with his own imprint at Red Deer Press in Calgary, where he is challenged to find other writers with strategies that can attract readers in a tough market. Sawyer points to several “metrics” that spell the dire situation for traditional SF/fantasy, such as the closing of specialty bookstores and the steep drop in circulation at magazines like Analog and Asimov’s

Tremendous publicity (and in the issue that came out the week my 17th novel Rollback was released, to boot!). But publicity like that doesn’t just happen. Stephanie Stewart, the wonderful US marketing director for Fitzhenry & Whiteside, for which I edit the Robert J. Sawyer Books science-fiction imprint, knew that PW had an SF feature coming up, and had me send in the following comments to them, precisely in hope of getting our line included in the roundup; not only did that result in the lead interview, but also a spotlight on Phyllis Gotlieb‘s new novel Birthstones, which I edited for the Robert J. Sawyer Books line.

Here’s the pitch — comments designed to whet the appetite for an interview — that we sent to Publishers Weekly on February 27, 2007:

Robert J. Sawyer edits Robert J. Sawyer Books, the science-fiction imprint of Toronto’s Fitzhenry & Whiteside. He’s won both the Hugo Award and the Nebula Award for best novel of the year, and his own works are published by Tor (most recently, Rollback, an April 2007 title which received a starred review from PW). Despite his own in-category success, he thinks the future of SF lies not with dedicated imprints but with breaking out of the genre box and reaching a mainstream audience. A few of his thoughts:

Without intending to, Arthur C. Clarke put a best-before date on science fiction: 2001. Now that the future is here, the genre is having a hard time retaining readers who see that today’s world — with fundamentalism in resurgence — is in no way related to the visions SF was peddling in the last century.

In many ways, the science-fiction label has become a liability, and the science fiction that sells best — be it Margaret Atwood‘s Oryx and Crake, Audrey Niffenegger‘s The Time Traveler’s Wife, or Michael Crichton‘s Next — eschew not only the genre name but all the standard marketing symbols, as well. The old publishing adage that all you had to do to sell an SF book is put a spaceship on the cover doesn’t work anymore; oh, there’s still a core audience that will buy such books, but it’s a shrinking core.

There’s been much discussion in the SF field that the small press is the future of the genre, but the problem with most small-press SF imprints is that they exist in isolation: they are standalone imprints, unaffiliated with larger houses. When Calgary’s Red Deer Press — for more than 30 years, one of Canada’s leading literary publishers — approached me to develop a science-fiction imprint for them, I was immediately intrigued, because instead of developing my own catalog, the books would be appearing in an established catalog, alongside quality works of all types. (In 2005, Red Deer Press was bought by Toronto’s Fitzhenry & Whiteside, and in the U.S., my imprint now appears in the Fitzhenry catalog.)

This was the opposite of the ghettoization of SF, and it’s exactly what I see as the future of the genre: the moving of SF works into the mainstream. The irony, to date, has been that it’s authors coming out of other categories — Walter Mosley from the mystery field and Nora Roberts (writing futuristic mysteries now as J.D. Robb) from the romance field, for instance — who are having the greatest success with their breakout SF.

Despite the SF writer’s supposed stock-in-trade, which is seeing a perspective light-years wider than that of mundane writers, most writers in the SF field seem incapable of seeing outside the SF box, while others, who aren’t so anchored in the traditional SF marketplace, have no problem nimbly exploiting SF tropes in works that are sold to a broad, mainstream audience.

With the line I edit for Fitzhenry & Whiteside, , I’ve been looking for writers who will have wider-than-genre appeal — and I’ve been cherry-picking them from within the established SF marketplace. Many of the authors we’ve worked with had previous books published by established SF publishers, including Baen (known for its oh-so-genre covers) and Tor (the largest house in the SF field), but weren’t finding large audiences within the core SF demographic such houses go after.

Our next two books are both by authors previously published by Tor. Phyllis Gotlieb isn’t just an SF writer — she’s also a feminist writer, in the mold of Ursula K. LeGuin. And she’s a poet of wide renown in Canada. Tor packaged her previous books as space opera; we’ve given her new book Birthstones a beautiful mainstream cover, and hope to find her that wide audience that doesn’t know that it likes science fiction.

Matthew Hughes, author of The Commons, which we’re doing later this year, was previously packaged by Tor as an SF adventure writer — and he does tell a rollicking good yarn. But his principal strength is in the psychological astuteness of his work, in which he writes about Jungian archetypes and the power of myth: we’re shifting his market position from being the stepson of golden-age SF editor John. W. Campbell to being the stepson of Joseph Campbell, the author of A Hero with a Thousand Faces, and, again, we think we can find a wider market for him amongst people who never thought they would read an SF book. There is a future for SF, but it’s a future that depends on getting more than just science-fiction readers to buy the books.

Publishers Weekly was indeed intrigued by what I had to say, and on Thursday, March 22, 2007, they submitted follow-up questions, which I immediately answered; they also followed the questions below up with a phone interview:

1. Why is breaking out of the SF box to reach a mainstream audience so important? Has traditional SF “jumped the shark?”

If it had just jumped the shark, that would be fine — at least people would understand what’s going on. But SF has instead executed a parabolic maneuver with an exemplar of the cartilaginous order Selachii at its focus — which amounts to the same damn thing, but in modern SF fashion is said in a way that is so jargon-laden, so exclusionary, and so unwelcoming of newcomers that they simply aren’t let in. It’s almost as though much modern SF has a hazing ritual: if you can survive the first few chapters, maybe we’ll give you a story worth reading.

Here’s the opening paragraph of Chapter 2 of Glasshouse by Charles Stross (Ace/Penguin USA), widely being touted as one of the best SF books of this past year (a 2006 title most critics think will be on the 2007 Hugo ballot, to be announced this weekend); I doubt any non-habitual SF reader would continue on after encountering this (and, yes, “Is” is capitalized as shown — even common words are made difficult in modern SF):

The Invisible Republic is one of the legacy polities that emerged from the splinters of the Republic of Is, in the wake of the series of censorship wars that raged five to ten gigaseconds ago. During the wars, the internetwork of longjump T-gates that wove the subnets of the hyperpower together was shattered, leaving behind sparsely connected nets, their borders filtered through firewalled assembler gates guarded by ferocious mercenaries. Incomers were subjected to forced disassembly and scanned for subversive attributes before being rebuilt and allowed across the frontiers. Battles raged across the airless cryogenic wastes that housed the longjump nodes carrying traffic between warring polities, while the redactive worms released by the Censor factions lurked in the firmware of every A-gate they could contaminate, their viral payload mercilessly deleting all knowledge of the underlying cause of the conflict from fleeing refugees as they passed through the gates.

The readership of the average SF paperback has plunged from 100,000 in the 1970s to 20,000 in the current decade; the circulation of the major SF magazines has dropped from 160,000 to 40,000 in the same period. General readers are devouring books with SF sensibilities — Michael Crichton’s Next, Margaret Atwood’s Oryx and Crake, and Audrey Niffenegger’s The Time Traveler’s Wife, not to mention The Da Vinci Code — but they’re staying away from the SF section, and so those authors who want a wide readership have to find ways to be shelved in general fiction.

2. You say that SF is having a hard time retaining readers in a world that “is in no way related to the visions SF was peddling in the last century.” Could you discuss further?

Although SF is not in fact about prediction, the general public thinks that it is. And whether it was Arthur C. Clarke predicting giant orbiting space stations and glib talking computers by the year 2001, or William Gibson suggesting that a punk-style hacker underground would be running the world by, well, right now, the visions turned out to be wrong. Instead of Clarke’s manned voyages to Jupiter and beyond, we haven’t had a human leave Earth orbit for 35 years now; and instead of cyberpunks, we got Wikipedia and Time naming “You” — us, the average joe who freely and altruistically creates online content — its person of the year.

In our materialistic world, SF’s selling point for rational, busy people had become that it was a way of gaining insight into the future (and, as Alvin Toffler said, reading it would help avoid future shock). But with SF being so wrong in the short term, and so far out in the long term — technologies that are, in Arthur C. Clarke’s own words, indistinguishable from magic — readers are preferring fantasy: honest escapism, engagingly told.

3. A corollary: is part of the problem that our world(s) has expanded so far and so fast that people naturally look for narrower and more inward-facing perspectives?

I don’t dispute that statement, but, in fact, there is lots of inward-facing in SF. One editor I know quips that mainstream literature is about the inner lives of ordinary people, and SF is about the outer lives of extraordinary people — but I totally disagree. Judith Merril, the late, great SF anthologist of the 1950s and 1960s, quite rightly said that SF should be at least as much about inner space — the human condition, human psychology — as about outer space. Works that provide insight and reflection are there in the field: certainly in the books I’m publishing under my imprint, and, I like to think, in the books I myself am writing.

4. Tell us about Matthew Hughes — is he really renowned author Joseph Campbell’s stepson? Psychological SF seems like a very exciting direction…

For many years, SF really concentrated on the hard sciences: physics, chemistry, astronomy. The soft sciences of psychology, sociology, and anthropology got short shrift. But there have always been some good works of psychological SF, and we’re seeing more and more these days.

Like most SF writers today, Matthew Hughes has a day job — the field has become a hobby, not a profession, because of the declining market share. He writes speeches, mostly for politicians. That is, he’s always trying to find the right symbolism and metaphor to allow the person ultimately presenting the speech to achieve a very specific psychological effect. SF often makes manifest what we normally only think of as abstractions, and Matt is totally doing that in The Commons: different aspects of human psychology become tangible characters in his book; it’s a very insightful study, and, yes, I do think Joseph Campbell would be proud.

5. You’re an established, prize-winning author. Will you continue to publish with Tor? Or will your own works now come out from Fitzhenry & Whiteside?

I actually already have one book from them, my first short-story collection Iterations; that’s how I got involved with them in the first place. And I’m talking about doing another one with them, too: a second short-story collection, Identity Theft.

Doing my collections with them makes sense. Single-author short-story collections are the worst-selling type of book in the SF field (multi-author anthologies are the second worst; novels are the only things that sell well). I’ve seen authors with Tor and others take year to get the orders for their novels back up to the level they were at before the same big house did their short-story collection, and so I want to keep my collections separate, and clearly small-press, so as not to confuse my bookstore stats.

I won’t name the people who’ve had problems with having the same publisher do their short-story collection as their novels, but I will name a success besides myself from the approach I’m advocating: one of the hot new SF authors of this century is Karl Schroeder, and my imprint did a wonderful collection of his short stories, with an introduction by British SF superstar Stephen Baxter. We sandwiched it in between two of Karl’s novels for Tor: Permanence and Lady of Mazes — and Karl’s Tor numbers continued to build nicely, with the collection — which obviously sold many fewer copies, as collections do — having no negative impact on his novel numbers.

But I’m going to leave my novels with a major publisher, for several reasons. First, of course, Fitzhenry & Whiteside is branding its SF as “Robert J. Sawyer Books” — which was their idea, not mine; it certainly has got us a lot of bookseller attention, and major buys for all our titles from Chapters/Indigo — Canada’s major chain — so I guess their instinct was correct. But having a book of my own under that imprint would look like vanity press!

Second, of course, the small press just can’t touch the advances I’m getting from Tor: the advances, editorial fees, cover artist fees, and so on, for all the books I’ve done to date under my imprint combined don’t come anywhere near equaling the advance I get for a single book of my own from Tor. I’m lucky enough to be one of the few full-timers left in the SF field (there are certainly fewer than 100, and probably fewer than 50), and staying with a big house is a necessity for maintaining that.

You mentioned awards: these have been absolutely key to my success. In all aspects of business, branding is the hot topic these days, and being branded as both a Hugo Award winner and a Nebula Award winner has been key to why I’ve survived with a major publisher in a shrinking marketplace. But I’m one of the lucky ones — I know that. And the work I do with my imprint is a way of paying back that karmic debt: there are lots of great manuscripts out there in this wonderful field, and I’m delighted to be able to give a few of the very best a good home.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Membership rates to Denver Worldcon going up

by Rob - May 23rd, 2007

Sadly, I won’t be at this year’s Worldcon in Japan. But having just returned from a trip to Denver, and been reminded of what a beautiful city it is, I can’t wait until next year’s Worldcon, which will be there.

And I noted this morning, while looking at the convention’s website, that membership rates go up in EIGHT DAYS, on May 31, 2007. So, if you’re thinking of going, now’s the time to get your membership; Worldcon memberships are fully transferable, and there’s rarely a problem selling one at a later date.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Author’s comment for the SFBC

by Rob - May 23rd, 2007

My Rollback is a current featured selection of the Science Fiction Book Club. The SFBC asked me for a comment on the book as its author; here’s what I had to say:

One of the most interesting panels I ever saw at a science-fiction convention had Larry Niven and Mike Resnick on it. The moderator asked them each to describe the kind of SF they wrote. Larry said he writes things that remind him of the stories that hooked him on the genre when he was a teenager. Mike said he writes stories that appeal to him as a middle-aged man.

Of course, I immediately thought of counterexamples: Nivenesque stories by Mike, and Resnickish tales by Larry — but I’ve often wondered how one might do both, combining that grandly cosmic sense-of-wonder with the down-to-Earth and intimately human. I don’t know if it’s possible to succeed on both levels, but I do know that there’s no other genre that even tries to be fractal — to be fascinating and beautiful at scales large and small. That’s one of the many reasons I love being a science-fiction writer.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Calgary Herald links

by Rob - May 23rd, 2007

Here’s a link to the review of Rollback in The Calgary Herald:

Rollback; Robert J. Sawyer
The Calgary Herald
Sun 20 May 2007
Page: C3
Section: Books & The Arts
Byline: Dan Healing

SCI FI – Talk about a slow conversation.

When Dr. Sarah Halifax decodes the first radio message ever received from aliens and helps write a response, the Canadian scientist is a vital 39-year-old.

But when the reply arrives from Sigma Draconis, a planet 18.8 light years from Earth, she’s a frail 87-year-old standing impatiently in line for an appointment with the Grim Reaper.

And the reply seems written especially for her. Her life is suddenly worth billions and that’s what a billionaire with an interest in aliens spends on “rollbacks” — medical procedures designed to make recipients 25 again — for Sarah and her retired CBC soundman husband, Don.

The human element of the drama takes centre stage when the rollback works for Don, but not Sarah. With a young mind, body and libido, will he desert her? Or, will he stick with her as she makes decisions that set the course for the human race?

This latest offering from sci-fi award collector Robert J. Sawyer meets all the requirements of summertime reading — it’s light at barely 300 pages, it’s populated with likeable characters, it engages the imagination and it’s hard to put down.

And it has robots. Can it get any better than that?

And here’s a link to the Herald‘s bestsellers’ list, showing Rollback at number 9 in the fiction category:

Calgary Bestsellers
For The Calgary Herald
Published: Sunday, May 20, 2007


1 (1) Divisadero, Michael Ondaatje. A haunting story that ranges from northern California to central France.

2 (-) The Halifax Connection, Marie Jakober A Canadian counter-intelligence novel set in the 1860s.

3 (-) Falling Man, Don DeLillo. How events of Sept. 11 have changed our world.

4 (4) The Children Of Hurin, J.R.R. Tolkein. A fantasy with orcs, dragons, dwarves and elves.

5 (3) The Horseman’s Graves, Jacqueline Baker. A German immigrant community on the Saskatchewan-Alberta border.

6 (-) Fluttertongue 4, Steven Ross Smith. A long poem looks at meanings of words and ponders language itself.

7 (-) Rant, Chuck Palahnuik. A fictional oral history of serial killer Buster (Rant) Casey.

8 (7) The Yiddish Policemen’s Union, Michael Chabon. A whodunit, a love story and an exploration of the mysteries of exile and redemption.

9 (-) Rollback, Robert J. Sawyer. A new science-fiction novel by the award-winning Canadian author.

10 (5) Lullabies for Little Criminals, Heather O’Neill. A 13- year-old girl with no mother and a heroin-addicted father.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Orlando, here I come!

by Rob - May 23rd, 2007

I’m Guest of Honor at Oasis 20 this weekend along with Mike Resnick, Joe Haldeman, Michael Bishop, Kathleen Ann Goonan, and Jack McDevitt. Check it out!

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site