SFWRITER.COM > How to Write > Notes for the Copyeditor
Notes for the Copyeditor
Below is a generic set of notes I put together in 1999 (when I was working on
Calculating God).
For a more-recent and much more extensive set of instructions (from 2019), see
Notes for the Copyeditor of The Oppenheimer Alternative.
Copyright © 1999 by Robert J.
Sawyer. All rights reserved.
At the front of each of my novel manuscripts, I now provide these notes for
the copyeditor. The copyeditor is the person often an English-literature
grad student looking to pick up a few extra bucks who is assigned
to go over every word and punctuation mark in the manuscript to make
sure it conforms to the publisher's standards. Unfortunately, copyeditors
can be overzealous, changing things that they have no business changing.
The author gets a chance to undo their changes before the book is
typeset, but it's a pain having to do that. Since I've been providing
these notes, I've had much less trouble with copyeditors capriciously
modifying my prose.
Dear Copyeditor: feel free to regularize any deviations from the following
standards, but please query me on all other changes.
My standard reference for spelling and word usage is
The American Heritage English Dictionary, Third
Edition (unabridged), 1992. I consider the choice between
legitimate variant spellings (such as "eon" / "aeon" or "adviser"
/ "advisor" ) to be the author's prerogative, unless a rigid
house style has been mandated; if my spelling is in this
dictionary without a usage restriction, please don't arbitrarily
change it to another form.
Where they disagree, I hold that Strunk and White's The
Elements of Style trumps both The Chicago Manual of
Style and Words Into Type. If suggesting a
change to my usage, please query with CMS section
number or Words Into Type page reference.
Unusual Words
It's my contention that both "lifeform" and "airlock" are single words;
please leave them as such.
I use serial commas; I use commas before terminal too and
around internal too, but I don't use commas with close
appositives ("his wife Carolyn").
Except for Biblical names, I form the possessive of names ending
in s by adding apostrophe-s. I do not use apostrophes
with years when indicating decades (I write "the 1960s," not "the
I hyphenate all compound adjectives.
Incomplete Sentences
I use three (never four) periods for ellipsis points; ellipsis in
dialog indicates a trailing off (an incomplete sentence,
which, since it is incomplete, has no terminal punctuation).
Likewise, sentence fragments ending in an em dash (denoting an
interruption or abrupt change of thought) are also incomplete,
and therefore are not followed by terminal punctuation.
I use italics for:
- emphasis
- the titles of publications, movies, and television series
- some verbatim transcriptions of thoughts, but only where
there might be ambiguity about whether the text is thought or
- all non-English words and phrases being consciously used as
non-English, and all Latin phrases (which are usually
affectations), even if they appear in English dictionaries:
"au revoir" and "en route" (French),
"a capella" (Italian), and "per se" (Latin) are all
italicized. Please note however that I do not italicize
foreign-source words that have been wholly co-opted into standard
English, and whose usage doesn't constitute an affectation;
words such as "milieu" or "liaison" (French) and "trek"
(Afrikaans) are not italicized.
"Damn it" is stronger than "dammit." I use both deliberately for
specific effect; please do not adjust my usage.
I use lower-case for the first letter in a sentence following a
I do not normally capitalize pronouns referring to God.
I spell out all numbers that begin sentences; spell out zero
through one hundred (even when followed by the word "percent"),
and use numerals for 101 and beyond, including years ("1997"),
their two-digit abbreviations ("'97"), and precise times ("2:00
I do not use apostrophes to pluralize numbers: "1970's" is
possessive of the year 1970 ("1970's best novel was . . ."), not a
reference to the decade that ran from 1970 to 1979 (I write "the
1970s were a wonderful time").
I never spell out numbers containing decimal points, even in
dialog (I use "123.45," never "one hundred and twenty-three point
four five").
More Good Reading
More on copyediting
Manuscript format checklist
Rob's "On Writing" columns
Essay: WordStar A Writer's Word Processor
My Very Occasional Newsletter
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