SFWRITER.COM > Novels > Terminal Experiment > US Covers
US Covers
The Terminal Experiment
Cover of the US editions of The Terminal Experiment
On the left, the original paperback edition published by HarperPrism in 1995 (ISBN 0-061-05310-4).
This is the third-printing version, released in October 1996. The first two
printings had the words "THE TERMINAL EXPERIMENT" embossed and gold-stamped.
This printing adds the "Best Novel Nebula Award Winner" starburst.
Also, the first printing had the words "Science Fiction" on the spine;
the second and subsequent printings changed that to just "Fiction," in
hopes of going after more of Michael Crichton's audience.
On the right, the Ace reprint paperback edition published in 2011 (ISBN 978-0-441-02080-5).
HarperPrism cover art by Joe Burleson.
Ace cover photo by Ikon Images/Paul Price/Getty.
Ace cover design by Rita Frangie
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