SFWRITER.COM > Novels > End of an Era > Acknowledgments
Annotated Dedication and Acknowledgments
End of an Era
For David Livingstone Clink,
my brother-in-law and close friend,
with thanks and admiration
[David is one of my best friends; Carolyn and I get together with him
at least once a week. He's a terrific guy.]
My profound thanks for years of encouragement go to:
[End of an Era was actually the first novel
I wrote, so I thought I should acknowledge those who
had encouraged me along the road to becoming a published author]
- Carolyn Clink [my wife]
- Ted Bleaney [my best friend from high school]
- David Livingstone Clink [my brother-in-law]
- John Robert Colombo
[one of Canada's foremost literary figures; he bought
one of my first stories in 1982]
- Terence M. Green
- Andrew Weiner [Terry and
Andrew are Toronto writers who broke in several years ahead of
me and were always willing to offer advice]
This book was unearthed with their help and the help of:
- my editors at Ace, Peter Heck and Susan Allison
[Peter had bought the book in 1991, but had left Ace in 1992;
Susan saw End of an Era through to its publication in 1994]
- Nick Austin [my editor at New English Library,
who published the British edition
the book simultaneously with the American edition]
- Roger MacBride Allen [who I asked to read the manuscript to
provide a cover quote, which he did but he also provided an incredibly
good critique of the book; I did a whole additional draft based on
his terrific suggestions]
- Asbed G. Bedrossian [one of my closest friends from
high school, who has lived in Los Angeles since 1978]
- Jerry Bokser [a good friend from high school, who
visited the Canadian particle-accelerator facility TRIUMF, and
provided me with all sorts of background information
about it; several scenes in the novel are set at TRIUMF]
- Richard Curtis [my agent, who sold this novel]
- Howard Miller [a deaf-and-blind friend on CompuServe,
who reads my novels with a computer that converts them to Braille;
he is an incredibly good proofreader]
- physicist Dr. Ariel Reich [my high-school buddy with
a Ph.D. in physics from UC Berkeley]
- John Rose of Bakka Science Fiction Bookstore in Toronto
[who read the book in manuscript]
- Alan B. Sawyer [my brother, who read the book in manuscript]
- Dr. Dale A. Russell, the Curator of Fossil
Vertebrates at the Canadian Museum of Nature [who read the book in manuscript,
and provided great technical feedback]
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