SFWRITER.COM > Novels > Frameshift > Acknowledgments
Annotated Dedication and Acknowledgments
For Terence M. Green and Merle Casci,
with thanks and friendship
[Terry is a Canadian SF writer who has been enormously supportive of
me; I've known him since 1982. Merle is his wife. They're two of
Carolyn and my closest friends.]
Sincere thanks to:
- my agent, Ralph Vicinanza [this is the first book to be
sold for me by my new agent]
- my editor at Tor, David G. Hartwell [my new editor a real hands-on editor]
- Tad Dembinski, also of Tor
[tragically, Tad passed away in September 1999, at the age of 27, from
a heart attack related to childhood heart disease]
- Jane Johnson of HarperCollins UK [who bought British rights to the book from Ralph]
- Catherine Brown, M.D., F.R.C.S.(C), obstetrician and gynecologist
["F.R.C.S.(C)" is "Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons (Canada); I've known
Catherine since 1972; she was enormously helpful with the in vitro
fertilization subplot]
- David E. Gilbert, Life Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
[who provided all sorts of background information; much of the book is set at Lawrence Berkeley. My
friend Ariel Reich introduced us]
- David Gotlib, M.D., Resident, Department of Psychiatry, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland
[who checked much of the medial information in the book]
- Robert A. Hegele, M.D., F.R.C.P.(C), Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, St. Michael's Hospital, University of Toronto
[who gave me a tour of his DNA-research lab in Toronto, and read the manuscript
of the book looking for technical problems; "F.R.C.P.(C)" is
"Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians (Canada)"]
- Isla Horvath, Director of Communications, Huntington Society of Canada
[who provided a lot of background on Huntington's Disease, and read the book
in manuscript to make sure I'd done justice to the sensitive issues surrounding
this disease]
- Joe S. Mymryk, Ph.D., London Regional Cancer Centre, London, Ontario
[a geneticist who had contacted me because he'd enjoyed The Terminal Experiment,
saying if I ever needed advice from a geneticist to call him; I took him up on that.]
- Ariel Reich, Ph.D., who was my host during my visit to the University of California, Berkeley, and who tracked down follow-up information after I left
- the late Nobel laureate Luis W. Alvarez, Ph.D., who graciously allowed me to visit him at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
[I spent half a day with Alvarez father of the asteroid-impact hypothesis
for the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinctions on Wednesday, September 7, 1983.]
Many thanks also to:
- Kent Brewster [a writer who asked me if he could read the
book in manuscript]
- Michael and Nomi Burstein [two devoutly Jewish
friends from Massachusetts, who were kind enough to read the manuscript
over their honeymoon in Toronto, making sure that I was accurate and
appropriately sensitive in the Treblinka and Demjanjuk material]
- Stephen P. Conners [an expert on helicopters; he'd sent a
letter to Analog after reading the serialization of
The Terminal Experiment, quibbling with my use of firearms;
I wrote him back, discovered he was an expert on aviation, and
called upon him to help me work out the helicopter-crash scene in
- Richard Curtis [my first agent, who had been involved
in the early stages of marketing this book]
- Marina Frants [who helped me with the Russian used in the book]
- Peter Halasz [a consultant to the biology industry, and
also a former resident of Montreal, who helped me both with technical
matters and with the French spoken by the character of Pierre Tardivel]
- Howard Miller [proofreader]
- Amy Victoria Meo [of Richard Curtis Associates, my
former agency]
- Lorraine Pooley [who read the manuscript, and caught a bunch
of typos]
- Jean-Louis Trudel [a French-Canadian SF writer, who helped
with the French language used in the book]
And, as always, I'm indebted to my regular group of incisive
manuscript readers:
- Asbed Bedrossian [of Los Angeles]
- Ted Bleaney [of Kitchener, Ontario]
- David Livingstone Clink [my brother-in-law, of Toronto]
- Richard M. Gotlib [a lawyer in Toronto]
- Terence M. Green [Toronto SF writer]
- Alan B. Sawyer [my younger brother]
- Edo van Belkom [Brampton, Ontario, horror writer]
- Andrew Weiner [Toronto SF writer]
- and, most of all, my lovely wife, Carolyn Clink
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