SFWRITER.COM > Novels > Golden Fleece > Acknowledgments
Annotated Dedication and Acknowledgments
Golden Fleece
For my parents,
John A. Sawyer
Virginia Sawyer
[My father, who is Professor Emeritus of Economics at the University of
Toronto, was born in Toronto in 1924; my mother, who has retired from
being a lecturer in statistics at the same university, was born in
Appleton, Minnesota, in 1925. They both encouraged me to develop
a love of reading.]
This novel would not have taken flight without the help and
encouragement of:
- Algis Budrys [after it had been bounced from several magazines, I submitted the novelette version of Golden Fleece
to the "Writers of the Future" contest in August 1986; Budrys, the lead judge of that contest, gave it an honorable mention and
wrote some very useful comments on the title page of the manuscript; I followed his advice, and sold
the revised version to Amazing Stories]
- Dr. R. W. Bussard [the inventor of the Bussard ramjet starship, who
kindly read the novelette version and gave me his technical feedback;
I met him through the WordStar Forum on CompuServe]
- Richard Curtis [my original literary agent, who sold this book to Warner,
which was the first place he'd submitted it to]
- Terence M. Green [friend and mentor in Toronto,
who read an early draft of the "Golden Fleece" novelette, and also commented on a draft of the novel version]
- Patrick Lucien Price [the editor of Amazing Stories magazine, who gave me
some excellent editorial suggestions on the short version, and featured it as
the cover story of Amazing's September 1988 issue]
- Dr. Ariel Reich [a friend from high school who went on
to get a Ph.D. in physics from the University of California (Berkeley), and
who serves as technical consultant on all my books; he spent a lot
of time with me working out the relativistic details of the Argo's flight]
- Brian M. Thomsen [the editor at Warner Book's Questar imprint
who bought Golden Fleece in January 1990]
- and especially Carolyn Clink [my wife]
Beta testers for Golden Fleece were:
- Ted Bleaney [high-school friend and avid SF reader]
- David Livingstone Clink [my brother-in-law]
- Franklin R. Haber [a friend and computer expert in New York city;
I met him through the WordStar Forum on CompuServe]
- Mark C. Petersen [co-owner of Loch Ness Productions, a leading
producer of planetarium shows; I met him, too, through the WordStar Forum on CompuServe]
- Alan B. Sawyer [my brother]
- Andrew Weiner [Toronto SF writer, who
by coincidence had a story of his own in the September 1988
Amazing Stories the issue that featured the novelette version
of "Golden Fleece"]
Any remaining bugs are my own.
["Beta tester" is a term from software development; it refers to people who
test a program prior to its public release. It seemed a cute term to
use for my manuscript-critiquers, given that the novel was about artificial
intelligence; same thing for the reference to "bugs" at the end.]
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