SFWRITER.COM > Novels > Mindscan > Acknowledgments
Copyright © 2005 by Robert J. Sawyer
All Rights Reserved.
For advice on artificial intelligence / the human brain, I thank:
- Greg Armstrong, Senior Research Technician, Robotics
Institute, Carnegie Mellon University
- Gregory Benford and Elisabeth Malartre, authors of
Beyond Human, forthcoming from Tor
- Dr. Lou Jacobs, neurosurgeon, Garden City, Michigan
- Ray Kurzweil, artificial-intelligence pioneer
- Dr. Hal Brian Scher, Scher Psychology Professional Corporation, Thornhill, Ontario
- Jerome M. Siegel, Ph.D., Brain Research Institute, University of California, Los Angeles,
- Dr. Isaac Szpindel, neurologist, Toronto, and
- Robert P. Vertes, Ph.D., Professor of Neuroscience, Center for
Complex Systems and Brain Sciences, Florida Atlantic University
For advice on the legal aspects of the plot, I thank:
- Russell J. Howe and Darcy Romaine, Boland Howe Barristers LLP, Aurora, Ontario
- Victor A. Coen, Sommers Schwartz Silver & Schwartz, Michigan
- Richard M. Gotlib, senior corporate counsel, Hudson's Bay Company, Toronto, and
- Ariel Reich, Ph.D., senior corporate counsel, Hewlett-Packard Company, Palo Alto
Special thanks to:
- the Rev. Paul Fayter, historian of science and theology, York University, Toronto
Huge thanks to:
- my lovely wife, Carolyn Clink
- my editor, David G. Hartwell, and his associates, Moshe Feder and Denis Wong
- my agent, Ralph Vicinanza, and his associates, Christopher Lotts and Vince Gerardis
- Tom Doherty, Linda Quinton, David Moench, Irene Gallo, and everyone else at Tor Books, and
- Harold and Sylvia Fenn, Heidi Winter, Melissa Cameron,
Janis Ackroyd, David Cuthbertson, Marnie Ferguson, Leo
MacDonald, Steve St. Amant, and everyone else at
H. B. Fenn and Company.
Many thanks, also, to the friends and colleagues who let me
bounce ideas off them or otherwise provided input, including:
- Ted Bleaney
- Linda Carson
- David Livingstone Clink
- Lily Sazz Fayter
- Kim Howe
- Al Katerinsky
- Howard Miller
- Kirstin Morrell
- Alan B. Sawyer
- Gordon Smith
- Elizabeth Trenholm
- Hayden Trenholm, and
- David Widdicombe.
Parts of this novel were written while I was writer-in-residence at the
Toronto Public Library's Merril Collection of Science Fiction, Speculation
and Fantasy. Many thanks to collection head Lorna Toolis, and to the
Toronto Public Library Board and the Friends of TPL's South Region, which
jointly funded my residency.
Thanks also to Danita Maslankowski who organized the Spring
2004 "Write-Off" retreat weekend for Calgary's Imaginative
Fiction Writers Association, at which much editing and polishing
of this manuscript were accomplished.
Many thanks to John Rose, Salman A. Nensi, and Kristen
Pederson Chew, for creating The Bakka Anthology, and to Stanley
Schmidt of Analog Science Fiction and Fact magazine. My short
story "Shed Skin," which inspired this novel, was commissioned
for that limited-edition anthology, and later also appeared in
the January/February 2004 issue of Analog.
Finally, thanks to the 700 members of my online discussion
group, who followed along with me as I created this novel. Feel
free to join us.
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