SFWRITER.COM > Novels > Far-Seer > Acknowledgments
Annotated Dedication and Acknowledgments
For Carolyn Clink
My Wife,
My Lover,
My Best Friend
[Carolyn and I first met in 1975, started dating in 1978,
began living together in 1981, and have been happily married
since 1984.]
This manuscript went through many phases. Those who made sure
the best side ended up being illuminated include:
[The "many phases" bit is a reference to the planet Face of God in
the novel, whose phases are a motif in the book.]
- Ted Bleaney [high-school friend and avid SF reader,
after whom the Quintaglio priest Det-Yenalb is named]
- Carolyn Clink [my wife]
- David Livingstone Clink [my brother-in-law]
- Richard Curtis [the literary agent who sold this book to Ace]
- Richard Gotlib [high-school friend, now a lawyer, co-founder with
me of our high-school SF club NASFA, after whom the series main character Afsan is named;
read and commented on the book in manuscript]
- Terence M. Green [Toronto SF writer; read and commented on the book in manuscript]
- Peter Heck [my editor at Ace; he left editing to begin
a successful career as a mystery writer]
- Laurie Lupton [Rick Gotlib's then-girlfriend who read and
commented on the book in manuscript]
- Alan B. Sawyer [my brother; read and commented on the book in manuscript,
and suggested the title for the book: Far-Seer]
- Andrew Weiner [Toronto SF writer; read and commented on the book in manuscript]
I bow concession to them all.
["Bowing concession" is the traditional Quintaglio gesture of respect.]
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