SFWRITER.COM > Novels > Fossil Hunter > Acknowledgments
Annotated Dedication and Acknowledgments
Fossil Hunter
For my brothers,
Alan B. Sawyer
Peter D. Sawyer
[Peter is six years older than me (b. 4 July 1954); Alan is sixteen months
younger (b. 12 September 1961). They are my only siblings. Both work in the
computing industry.]
The Quintaglios don't know what they're missing.
[See, the Quintaglios only let one hatchling from each
clutch of eggs live, so they don't know the joys of having
This book evolved with the advice of family members:
[Evolved get it? It's a book about the alien counterpart of
Darwin . . .]
- Carolyn Clink [my wife]
- David Livingstone Clink [my brother-in-law, who read the book in manuscript]
- Alan B. Sawyer [my brother, who read the book in manuscript]
- Ted Bleaney [my best friend from high school; he read the book in manuscript]
- Laurie Lupton [a friend who read the book in manuscript]
- Richard Curtis [my then-agent, who sold the book to Ace]
My editors:
- Peter Heck [who bought the book at Ace, but left before it was published]
- Susan Allison [the editor-in-chief of Ace Science Fiction; she inherited me from Peter]
And fellow writers:
- Barbara Delaplace [then of Vancouver; now of Gainesville, Florida. She read the book in manuscript.]
- Cory Doctorow [who came on board at this point to help in compiling the
Quintaglio concordance, which appears at the end of the third book]
- Terence M. Green [Toronto writer who read the book in manuscript]
- Garfield Reeves-Stevens [formerly of Thornhill, Ontario, but now living in Los Angeles;
I mentioned to him that I was stumped on where to send a sailing ship on
a journey to parallel Darwin's aboard the Beagle, since I'd
established that there were no other land masses on the Quintaglio world. Gar made
Fossil Hunter possible by saying, "What about the polar caps?"]
- Andrew Weiner [Toronto writer who read the book in manuscript]
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