SFWRITER.COM > Novels > Foreigner > Acknowledgments
Annotated Dedication and Acknowledgments
For Quentin and Gin Peterson,
with love and thanks
[Quentin K. Peterson is my only uncle my mother's sole sibling (my
father is an only child). He worked for Lockheed, and took me
to a nighttime rocket launch in California in 1968. His wife, my
only aunt, is Virginia "Gin" Peterson.]
This book got off the ground with the help of:
- my wife, Carolyn Clink
- my brother-in-law, David Livingstone Clink
- my brother, Alan B. Sawyer
- physicist Dr. Ariel Reich [who was a great help in
working out the mechanics of the Jijaki space elevator]
- programmer Ted Bleaney
- my agent, Richard Curtis
- my editor, Susan Allison
(and my former editor, Peter Heck, who commissioned this novel before he left Ace)
and fellow SF writers:
- Cory Doctorow [Toronto short-story writer who continued his work on highlighting
terms in the manuscript for inclusion in the
Quintaglio concordance]
- Gregory Feeley [Connecticut writer who provided background information on
space elevators]
- Terence M. Green [of Toronto; he read the book in manuscript]
- Edo van Belkom [of Brampton, Ontario; he read the book in manuscript]
- Andrew Weiner [of Toronto; he read the book in manuscript]
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