REM Wednesday, December 27, 2023, by Robert J. Sawyer REM This batch file demonstrates two different color schemes REM and screen layouts for WordStar for DOS 7.0: REM NOTE: DOSBox-X doesn't like the way WordStar terminates after it REM has edited a file, so in batch files, follow each instance of REM calling WS.EXE with theses two lines: REM REM on break goto AfterWS1 REM :AfterWS1 REM REM (Increment the number for successive invocations of WordStar REM later in the same batch file.) REM REM This will bypass the "Cancel batch job?" error DOSBox-X throws. REM Neither vDosPlus nor vDos have this problem. See below for REM this fix in action: c: cd\ws pristine.exe on break goto AfterWS1 :AfterWS1 cls sawyer.exe on break goto AfterWS2 :AfterWS2 cls