SFWRITER.COM > Novels > Golden Fleece > Intro to Mexican Edition
Introduction to the Mexican edition of Golden Fleece
Copyright © 1992 by Robert J. Sawyer
All Rights Reserved.
In 1992, the University of Guadalajara Press in Mexico contracted
to produce a Spanish-language Mexican edition of my novel
Golden Fleece. I wrote the following new introduction for
that edition. Unfortunately, the University's ambitious plans
for an SF publishing line fell through, and the Mexican edition
never appeared. Still, this introduction gives some background
on the creation of the book that hasn't appeared elsewhere, so
I'm providing it here.
Damon Knight, the founder of the
Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America,
once observed that the most unrealistic thing about SF is the
preponderance of Americans. "Almost no one," said Knight, "is
an American."
Nonetheless, science fiction continues to be thought of as a
largely American genre, mostly published in New York, with
stories full of American heroes fighting to save the American way
of life.
Because I object to this, I'm particularly excited that there's
now a Mexican edition of
Golden Fleece.
I am a
Canadian writer,
and, as you'll find as you read this book, my main
character, Aaron, is also a Canadian. In this era of global
thinking, and particularly as Mexico, Canada, and the United
States are involved in North American free-trade negotiations, I
think it's wonderful that a science-fiction novel written by
someone at the northern end of North America is being published
by a press situated at the southern end, bypassing the United
States for this edition altogether. Americans often try to lay
claim to having invented modern SF (H. G. Wells, Jules Verne, and
Mary Shelley notwithstanding), so it's important to note that we
Canadians and Mexicans can apparently produce the stuff, too, and
without their help.
Canada's seventh prime minister, Sir Wilfrid Laurier,
observed in 1904 that "the Twentieth Century belongs to Canada."
I've long been fond of saying that he was a hundred years
premature. Few would argue against the notion that both Canada
and Mexico which I had the pleasure of visiting in 1989 are
coming into their own on the world stage. To me, the book you
are now holding in your hands is, in a very small way, a symbol
of this.
Even so, I suppose I haven't missed the American influence
altogether. Golden Fleece is, in large measure, a parable
about the American Strategic Defense Initiative Ronald
Reagan's proposal for computer-controlled orbital weapons
systems. One of the key American scientists involved with the
Strategic Defense Initiative Research Organization, Dr. David
Parnas, resigned his post because he came to believe that SDI was
fundamentally impossible. He felt no computer system could ever
be made sufficiently free of programming bugs so as to perform
properly the first time it was used and yet defending against
a nuclear attack is a task that you don't get any second chances
at. I heard Parnas speak about this when he was visiting the
University of Toronto, and his warnings, all but unheeded in the
United States, gave rise to the very buggy character of JASON,
the computer from whose point of view the tale of
Golden Fleece is told. I hope you enjoy his story.
More Good Reading
More about Golden Fleece
The Italian introduction to FlashForward
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