SFWRITER.COM > Novels > Golden Fleece > A Golden Fleece sequel?
A Golden Fleece Sequel?
Copyright © 1998 by Robert J. Sawyer
All Rights Reserved.
Some readers have observed that the epilogue to my first novel
Golden Fleece leaves room for a sequel,
and I get asked periodically if there's one in the works.
The answer is I did start outlining a sequel to Golden Fleece,
which I was planning on calling The Trojan War "trojan" as in
computer virus but I ended up
completely rethinking the project, and it became my Nebula Award-winning
novel The Terminal Experiment instead.
What's that, you say? What has Golden Fleece possibly got
in common with The Terminal Experiment? Well, remember in
Golden Fleece when the AI named JASON makes a brain scan of
Aaron Rossman to duplicate Aaron's neural nets inside a computer so that
JASON can consult his simulation of Aaron in order to try to outwit Aaron?
The sequel was going to expand upon that idea, with the terraforming
robots at Colchis recreating human minds to help them defeat the
Vulpeculans, but I got sidetracked by the
simulation idea, and The Terminal Experiment grew out of that.
As for the epilogue to Golden Fleece, I must say it was
not really intended to be a springboard for a sequel. I only
started contemplating writing one after Orson Scott Card named
Golden Fleece the best SF novel of 1990 in his year-end
summation in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction.
Rather, I was trying to do what
Arthur C. Clarke used to do so well provide
a nice twist at the end that would let the reader write the sequel in
his or her own mind. That's what Clarke intended with the
"the Ramans do everything in threes" ending in Rendezvous with Rama
and the "he was not sure what he would do next, but he would think of
something" ending of 2001. I'm part of the school that
believes leaving those dangling as food for thought was better artistically
than actually writing the concrete sequels that followed.
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