SFWRITER.COM > Novels > End of an Era > Opening Line
The Opening Line of End of an Era
In January 1999, I was asked to write a few words for a forthcoming
book about effective first sentences for fiction, using one of
my own opening lines as an example. I picked the beginning of my
1994 novel End of an Era to talk
about. Here's what I had to say:
End of an Era begins with these words:
My father is dying.
I've always liked really short opening lines something the
bookstore browser's eye takes in all at once. I think that's a
much more effective grab than a paragraph-long sentence that
requires the browser to consciously read in order to absorb. I'm
fond of this particular opening for several reasons. First,
End of an Era is a time-travel novel about dinosaurs; I knew that
the cover would show a prehistoric landscape. And yet, no matter
how far out the premises in my SF novels get, I always strive for
a human quality and I wanted to drive home immediately that there
was more to this book than just action-adventure, so I felt the
juxtaposition of the cover art and that sentence would be quite
I don't often write in the first person, but if you are going to
do so, I figure you should take full advantage of the immediacy
that voice offers right from the opening sentence (a first-person
tale could start with description rather than a personal
declaration, after all, but I don't think that's nearly as
Finally, as you may have noticed, the sentence is in the present
tense, very unusual for fiction; indeed, the whole opening scene
in End of an Era is present-tense. Because the novel plays
with past and future, I wanted to start out by immediately
jarring the reader's time sense, and I think the tense choice
accomplishes that.
My own real father hale and healthy at seventy when the book
was published has said that of my dozen novels,
End of an Era is the only one he hasn't read: the four
words of that first sentence were too much for him to bear as
written by his own son. I never wanted to upset my father, but I
did want the words to have a powerful emotional impact, and many
readers have told me that they do.
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