________________________________________________________________ For instructions on using the WordStar archive, see the file -README.TXT instead (note the initial hyphen in the file name). ________________________________________________________________ WORDSTAR FOR DOS 7.0 README TOPICS INSTALLATION Screen Fonts for Preview Screen Fonts for Fax Files EDITING Moving More Quickly in Dialog Box Lists Printing Page Numbers in Headers and Footers Opening Files on a Read-only Disk MACROS Assigning Macros to the F11 and F12 Function Keys Displaying Function Key Labels Disabled Mouse in Macros MOUSE ITEMS Double-clicking in Dialog Box Lists Additional Mouse Shortcuts Microsoft Mouse PREVIEW USING XMS AND EMS CORRECT GRAMMAR FOR DOS STAR EXCHANGE Installing Star Exchange Converting Database Files to WordStar Data Files WORDSTAR ICON FOR MICROSOFT WINDOWS LAPTOPS USING DOWNLOADED DESKJET FONTS ________________________________________________________________ In this README, the WSCHANGE paths are shown in parentheses. To use WSCHANGE to change a default value, type WSCHANGE WS at the WordStar directory prompt (usually \WS), and then choose the letters (menu commands) shown in parentheses. Note: Certain product names in this README file are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. ________________________________________________________________ INSTALLATION Screen Fonts for Preview At the Add or Remove a Feature screen, you can install three different types of screen fonts for Preview. The screen font options are Code page 437, Code page 850, and PostScript fonts. If you want to install PostScript fonts, install both PostScript and code page 850 fonts. (Be sure to set the code page to 850 in DOS. See your DOS manual for instructions.) You can install all three screen font options if you need them, but then Preview works more slowly. Screen Fonts for Fax Files To use a greater variety of fonts in your fax files, install the Code page 850 fonts. EDITING Moving More Quickly in Dialog Box Lists To move more quickly through the list in a dialog box, use ^\ to turn off the function that updates the corresponding field. To turn updating back on, press the Spacebar. Printing Page Numbers in Headers and Footers To print a page number in headers and footers, type # where you want the page number to print. (Don't type ampersands around the #.) Opening Files on a Read-only Disk If you want to open files on a read-only disk (a write-protected floppy or a drive where you don't have write access), you need to make a patch in WSCHANGE (E=). At the label prompt, type NWFLG and press Enter. Then, type 16 and press Enter. Press ^X and then Y to exit WSCHANGE. (In the LAN version of WordStar, NWFLG is already set to 16.) MACROS Assigning Macros to the F11 and F12 Function Keys As a default, WordStar doesn't let you assign macros to the F11 and F12 function keys. If your keyboard has these function keys and you want to assign macros to them, use WSCHANGE (ADC) to turn on extended keyboard support. Changing the Function Keys for HELP and DONE If the standard settings of F1 (for HELP) and F10 (for DONE) conflict with keys you have already defined, you can change the settings by patching U1FKEY and U2FKEY. To change the key for HELP, patch U1FKEY to the use the two-byte scan code of the key you want to use. The default is 3B00H. For example, to change HELP to F5 (scan code 3F00H), patch U1FKEY to 00 3F. (Note that the low byte, 0, is entered first.) The description string follows in the next 8 bytes. The default setting is "Help." To change the key for DONE, patch U2FKEY to use the scan code of the key you want to use. Displaying Function Key Labels You can display function key labels at the bottom of the screen. These labels show the first six characters of the corresponding macro filenames. To turn on display of labels, use WSCHANGE (DBA2K). Changing Function Key Labels The names for Function Key Labels are based on the filenames of the macros that are assigned to them. The first letter is capitalized and the rest are in lower case. - To force the next letter to be capitalized, use an underscore in the macro filename. - To insert a space and capitalize the next letter, use a hyphen in the macro filename. Function Key Colors Function key colors, by default, are linked to menu colors. The function key numbers are linked to the status line highlight color. You can change the color mappings using the label patcher in WSCHANGE. Two bytes define each color. The values below define how to link the function key colors to one of the WordStar screen color settings. - To change the color of the function key descriptions, use the FCOLOR label. To link function key colors to another WordStar screen color choose the appropriate number (in hex, for the label patcher) from the following list: 00 00: default display name: maps to menu color function key number: maps to status line highlight 01 00: maps to strikeout colors 02 00: maps to normal text colors 04 00: block mark settings of these text attributes when added to the values with a zero second byte. For example, 14 00 gives a subscript color when it's in a block of marked text. 08 00: maps to underline color 10 00: maps to subscript color 20 00: maps to superscript color 40 00: text bold (also used for highlight if added to values with a non zero second byte. For example, 40 08 gives button highlight color. 80 00: maps to italic color 00 01: maps to normal text color (same as 2) 00 02: maps to title line color 00 04: maps to menu color 00 08: maps to button bar color 00 10: maps to ruler line color 00 20: maps to status line color 00 40: maps to flag column color - To define the colors for the function key numbers, use FCOLOR+2 and FCOLOR+3. Use the same values used for the function key descriptions above. For example, to change the function key color to be the same as the button bar, and to change the numbers to be the same as marked subscript text, you can use the label patcher to patch FCOLOR to: 00 08 14 00 In other words, use 00 08 for the button bar and 14 00 for the numbers. Disabled Mouse in Macros The mouse is usually disabled while you're recording a macro in WordStar. Although the mouse is functional in Preview, the mouse commands aren't recorded. MOUSE ITEMS Double-clicking in Dialog Box Lists When you move the mouse pointer through a list in a dialog box, the corresponding entries in the dialog box are updated. On some computers, this updating process may appear slow, and it can disable double-clicking. To avoid this, turn off automatic field updating in WSCHANGE (DBH2EA). Additional Mouse Shortcuts - To exit WordStar from the Opening Menu, double-click the Exit button in the title bar. - To change window size (with two windows open), click the double arrow symbol in the title bar. - To move the cursor to the other window, click in the desired window or click the window indicator (1 or 2) in the title bar. - To toggle between Insert and Overwrite modes, click the Insert/Ins-off indicator in the status line. - To modify ruler line settings, click in the ruler line. Microsoft Mouse If you use a Microsoft mouse driver version 6.0 or later, and you have a delay going to or from Preview, Inset, Run a DOS Command, MailList, TelMerge, or Star Exchange, you can eliminate the delay by making a patch in WSCHANGE (E=). At the label prompt, type MRESET and press Enter. Then, type 02 and press Enter. (This tells WordStar to use the software reset function for the mouse rather than the full reset function.) Press ^X and then Y to exit WSCHANGE. PREVIEW You can set three new Preview options in the FONTID.CTL file. Open FONTID.CTL as a nondocument. DISPLAY_GRID lets you turn the grid display on as a default. ZOOM_LEVEL and SAVE_ZOOM_LEVEL let you set the default zoom level and save zoom level changes for the current editing setting. See FONTID.CTL for more information. USING XMS AND EMS WordStar can use your computer's expanded memory (EMS) and extended memory (XMS) to run more efficiently. See "Installing and Customizing" for information on EMS. WordStar uses XMS in the same way it does EMS. The default for XMS usage is 0 pages. You can change this amount using WSCHANGE (CC2J). It's generally best to use a total of 8-35 pages of EMS. Using fewer than 8 pages or more than 35 pages may slow WordStar down. You can try different settings within this range to find the optimum efficiency on your system. CORRECT GRAMMAR FOR DOS Installing Correct Grammar The WSCG.EXE file lets you use WordStar with Correct Grammar for DOS. This file is installed with WordStar; it is also installed with Correct Grammar. For best results, be sure to use the WSCG.EXE file that has the most recent date. To check the file date: 1 Go to the \WS directory and type DIR. Make note of the date next to WSCG.EXE. 2 Go to the Correct Grammar disk or directory and type DIR. Determine whether the WSCG.EXE date is more recent than the one in the \WS directory. If the Correct Grammar disk contains the most recent WSCG.EXE: 1 Install Correct Grammar as described in the Correct Grammar manual. 2 Copy the WSCG.EXE file to the \WS directory. This will overwrite the older file with the newer one. If /WS directory contains the most recent WSCG.EXE use the guidelines below. - If your Correct Grammar files are in a different directory than the WordStar directory: 1 Copy WSCG.EXE from your WordStar directory to the Correct Grammar directory. 2 Be sure that both directories are on your DOS path. - If you install Correct Grammar in your WordStar directory after installing WordStar, follow these steps: 1 Before you install Correct Grammar, rename the WSCG.EXE file in your WordStar directory (usually \WS) to WSCG.SAV. 2 Install Correct Grammar in your WordStar directory. Copy WSCG.SAV to WSCG.EXE. Note: If you are installing the LAN version of WordStar, you must install Correct Grammar in your WordStar program directory. Running Correct Grammar To run Correct Grammar, follow the instructions in the Correct Grammar documentation. Use WSCG.EXE instead of WS.EXE to start WordStar. Be sure that WordStar is on your DOS path. Note: Before you run Correct Grammar on a new, unnamed WordStar file, be sure to save the file. STAR EXCHANGE Installing Star Exchange To install only the default applications (WordStar, WordPerfect 5, and ASCII), at the Add or Remove a Feature screen, mark Star Exchange with a + (plus key), and choose Selected options. At the Star Exchange Conversion Options screen, press F10. Converting Database Files to WordStar Data Files If you have a database file from another program that you want to merge print with WordStar, you can use Star Exchange to create a comma-delimited ASCII file. Select the conversion option called WordStar Data. Also, make sure that the comma is selected for the Spreadsheet Delimiter option in System Setup (the comma is the default option). WORDSTAR ICON FOR MICROSOFT WINDOWS WS.ICO contains the WordStar for DOS icon. When you install WordStar, WS.ICO is copied into your WordStar directory. To use a customized icon for WordStar in Windows: 1 Add WordStar for DOS to Windows as you would any non-Windows application. 2 To see the WordStar for DOS icon, choose the File > Proper- ties command from the Program Editor. Choose Change Icon. In the File Name field, type the complete pathname for this file, for example, C:\WS\WS.ICO. 3 Return to the Program Manager. You'll see the WordStar for DOS icon. LAPTOPS If you have a Laptop or Notebook PC with an LCD screen, black and white may be reversed in Preview. To correct this, set INVERSE=1 in the FONTID.CTL file. If you mostly use an external monitor with your laptop, you should install for the external monitor and use the default colors. USING DOWNLOADED DESKJET FONTS Some font creation programs, such as Bitstream Fontware, generate both LaserJet and DeskJet soft fonts. However, you can't add DeskJet soft fonts to a custom database. If you have one of these programs and want to use DeskJet fonts, follow the steps below. 1 In LSRFONTS, create a custom database (*.DTU) with your LaserJet fonts. 2 Delete the LaserJet fonts. 3 In PRCHANGE, add the LaserJet fonts from the custom database to the DeskJet PDF. 4 Download the DeskJet fonts to the printer before you print. WS7-0D