WordStar Strengths by Robert J. Sawyer sawyer@sfwriter.com * The "cursor" (insertion point) can be outside of the marked block: you can do whatever you want after marking text, including doing editing elsewhere (try to type with a marked block in Word; you'll delete the text instead of adding to it, and you can't edit text elsewhere; Word forces you to immediately deal with the block). * Ten ultra-easy-to-use bookmarks that you can set and jump to easily (commands ^K0 through ^K9 and ^Q0 through ^Q9). * Non-printing comments you can easily see while editing; just start a line with two periods. * Codes that can easily be revealed (try to find where a style sheet begins in Word!) -- ^OD toggles them on and off. * A cursor that changes shape to indicate if you're in insert or overwrite mode -- you don't have to hunt for a tiny indicator in a status line, like in Word. Toggle modes with ^V (or the INS key). * Your screen font doesn't have to match printout font (and yet accurate print-time line breaks are still shown); you can have single spacing on screen and still have double spacing in printout (again, with print-time page breaks accurately shown). * It's easy to set a soothing background color (no more glaring white like Word forced you to live with for decades). * Full absolutely compliant CUA menus and dialog boxes for those who like such things (available at WordStar help level 4; issue F1 twice to switch help levels), making WordStar usable by absolute beginners (Word doesn't have these anymore). * Every command is touchtypable; no need for mice, function keys, or arrow keys (but all are fully supported if you like to use them). * Fully supports modern LaserJet and PostScript printers; conversion to/from Word, WordPerfect, RTF, etc., via bundled Star Exchange utility (issue A,S from the opening menu). * Fully supported under Windows, Mac OS, and Linux via the free and open source DOS emulator DOSBox-X: https://dosbox-x.com For more information on the strengths of WordStar, see WORDSTAR.WS or https://sfwriter.com/wordstar.htm.