SFWRITER.COM > Nonfiction > Trivia Questions
Science Fiction
Trivia Questions
by Robert J. Sawyer
Copyright © 2006 by Robert J. Sawyer
All Rights Reserved
Hugo and
Nebula Award-winning science fiction writer
Robert J. Sawyer was the judge for a
science-fiction episode of Collector Showdown,
a high-definition game show broadcast on Treasure HD in the
United States and Canada, and produced by High Fidelity HDTV Inc.
of Toronto.
The episode was filmed September 14, 2006, at Bakka-Phoenix
Books, Toronto's venerable SF speciality store (where Rob
himself had worked back in 1982). Contestants showed off their
science-fiction media collectables, and participated in a series
of challenges, including trying their luck at trivia questions;
Below are the questions Rob prepared for the show. The grand
prize for the winner was to become a character in Rob's next book,
Wake, the first volume of his
1 Who provided the voice of Darth Vader in the first
Star Wars film? Which muscle-man actor was inside the
Vader suit?
2 The Empire relied on little one-person ships called
TIE fighters but what does "T-I-E" stand for?
And what distinguishes Darth Vader's personal TIE fighter
from all the others?
3 The number-one bestselling 20th-century science-fiction
novel has been filmed twice now. What's its title, and who wrote it?
4 What is Captain Kirk's brother's name?
In his one brief on-screen appearance, who played him?
5 In which of the Star Trek motion
pictures did we learn that Kirk's middle name is Tiberius?
Which Canadian actor revealed that?
6 It turns out Galactica isn't the last surviving
Battlestar after all. What's the name of the other Battlestar?
Who played its captain in the new Battlestar Galactica
series? Who played its captain in the original series?
7 In Star Trek: Enterprise, the
Enterprise was the first-ever human-built warp-five-capable
starship. What was its serial number? What was the second such ship called? What was that ship's serial number?
8 On Star Trek, Spock was half-human,
half-Vulcan. What was his father's name? His mother's? His half-brother's?
9 What was the computer called in the movie
2001: A Space Odyssey? Which Canadian actor provided his voice? What song does this computer sing? What does the computer's name stand for?
10 In what film do we hear the line, "So this is how
liberty dies to thunderous applause"? Who says it? When the line
is uttered, who has just expanded his political power? Who does that
person go on to become?
11 The most-famous split infinitive in history is
"To boldly go." It was originally followed by the words "Where no man
has gone before." When was that changed to "Where no one has gone before?"
Who first said the new version? When do we hear Leonard Nimoy say
the "To boldly go" speech? When do we hear William Shatner correct
it from "where no man has gone before" to "where no one has gone before"?
12 Who are Sy Snootles, Max Rebo, and Droopy McCool?
Who gets killed while those characters are present?
13 Name the big-budget film based loosely on Isaac
Asimov's "Robot" series. Give the character name of the female
robopsychologist who appears in his robot stories. Who played her in
the movie version?
14 On what planet does Luke Skywalker meet Yoda?
Who provides the voice of Yoda? What other famous space traveler
did he provide the voice for?
15 On Star Trek, what starship was
commanded by Commodore Decker? What is that starship's serial number?
What starship was commanded by Captain Decker? What is that
starship's serial number? What is Commodore Decker's first name?
What is Captain Decker's first name?
Answers to the Trivia Questions
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