Toronto is knee-deep in cons!

SF/F/related conventions in Toronto this year (2006):
- Ad Astra (general SF)
- FilkOntario (filk-singing)
- Anime North (anime -- and by far the largest of the cons)
- Corflu (fanzines)
- Gaylaxicon (gay-friendly general SF con)
- The Gathering of the Fellowship (Lord of the Rings -- this coming weekend)
- TT (Toronto Trek)
- SFX (Science Fiction Expo -- with Shatner and Nimoy, coming in August)
Whew! Granted, CorFlu and Gaylaxicon move from city to city each year, and won't be back in T.O. in 2007, and the Gathering of the Fellowship is probably a one-off, but we do have the World Horror Convention next year.
Despite good intentions, I've only made it to Ad Astra so far. But I am at a lot of cons in other cities. Details are here.
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