Northview Heights 50th Anniversary Reunion

How many high-school reunions can boast that they'll have not one but two Hugo Award-winners present? Well, this one can -- and it's now just two months away. Mike Glicksohn, who won the best-fanzine Hugo in 1973, and Robert J. Sawyer, who won the best-novel Hugo in 2003, are both attending the 50th-anniversary reunion for Northview Heights Secondary School (formerly, Northview Heights Collegiate Institute) in Willowdale / North York / Toronto (the school hasn't moved -- but the place it's in has changed its name!).
The reunion will be held Friday night, May 4, and all day Saturday, May 5, 2007 -- and I will be arriving exhausted, since my flight from the by-plane portion of my book tour gets me in at the Toronto airport just two hours before the cocktail party begins!
Also on hand will be a bunch of good folk from the Northview Association for Science Fiction Addicts (NASFA), the school's SF club, including co-founders Richard Gotlib and Robert J. Sawyer (him again!), and members Ted Bleaney, Gillian Clinton, Carolyn Clink, David Clink, Pat (formerly Patsy -- another name change!) Clink, and, we hope, many more.
Northview opened its doors in 1957, at the very dawn of the space age. If you're a former student, teacher, or staff member, come on out to the celebration.
(Carolyn and I, as well as Rick, Ted, and Gillian, have all committed to both the Friday-night gala, as well as the Saturday festivities.)
The Northview Reunion Web Site
The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site
For some reason when I first read this post I understood that you talking about the bi-plane portion of your book tour, and I thought that would be pretty cool, to travel around in a bi-plane signing books. Then I re-read it and figured out what was really meant. But for a moment it was a great image :-)
Curse you, Red Barron!
Hee hee hee.
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