Coles, CBC, Vaughan -- quite a day!
Day Two of Phase Three of the Rollback went very well. It began with a lunchtime signing at the Coles bookstore in Royal Bank Plaza, one of the massive banking tours at the heart of downtown Toronto. I was delighted that my old friend Howard Cohen dropped by -- he's one of my high-school buddies who didn't happen to make it to the Northview Heights reunion last weekend.
After the signing, I had a wonderful lunch with Fergus Heywood of the CBC, where we talked about a very interesting project we both hope will soon get the go-ahead ...
Then it was over to the CBC Broadcasting Centre, for an interview by CBC News Sunday, where I did a lengthy interview about my op-ed piece in the Ottawa Citizen that I call "A Bright Idea for Atheists. We did the interview in the Barbara Frum Atrium -- where a bit of Rollback takes place. I'll post word here when it's going to air.
After that, I headed up to the CBC radio studios on the third floor of the Broadcasting Centre, and was interviewed remotely for 10 minutes by Barbara Peacock, host of Crosstown on CBC Radio One in Windsor, Ontario.
Then it was off to the Pierre Berton Resource Library in Vaughan (which bills itself as "The City Above Toronto"), where I did another reading and Q&A about Rollback. (Mary Vaughan in Hominids and its sequels is named for this city.)
A few photos:

It never hurts to bribe the customers! Coles provided a big plate of Tim Hortons cookies

Nice rack!

I signed 14 books at Coles for Galadia Murphy, whose husband is a big fan of my books.

CBC News was on-hand to record my signing as B-roll for the interview about the atheism op-ed piece.

Entrance to the Pierre Berton Resource Library in Vaughan, Ontario. Carolyn and I lived in Vaughan from 1992 to 2000 (although this wonderful library was built after we left). Pierre Berton was one of Canada's greatest nonfiction writers; it's his childhood home that Carolyn and I will be living at in the Klondike this summer.

Old friends from Forest Hills North, the condo building Carolyn and I lived in for eight years in Vaughan; the Forhilnor race in Calculating God are named in honour of that building.

More old friends: Lawrence Fox and Gail Copeland came out to the event at the Pierre Berton Resource Library.
The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site
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