Exploring "Uncommon Ground" on religious TV

I'll be interviewed for a full hour on Canadian television this coming Saturday, November 10. I'll be on CTS (yes, that's Crossroads Television System, a Christian broadcaster) on the program "Uncommon Ground." The theme is the role of women in my novels, and the host is:
Dr. Rachael Turkienicz, a leading Jewish voice in bringing Torah concepts to modern issues, is the producer/host of a new 13-part series on women and spirituality, Uncommon Ground. As a daughter of the Torah, Rachael brings her academic credentials, a doctorate in Talmud and Midrash from Brandeis University, to the varied themes of the one-hour programs.The program was recorded 12 days ago (sadly, when I had a sore throat), and Rachael's questions are very provocative.
The program airs on at 10:00 p.m. on Saturday, November 10, 2007, across Canada. On Rogers Cable (Greater Toronto), it's on Channel 9.
The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site
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