My Dinner with Andre

Andre Bormanis, that is -- science consultant, script writer, and producer for various Star Trek series. Carolyn and I joined Andre and his lady Micha for a wonderful dinner tonight (at a great L.A. restaurant called "The Nook"). Andre and I became friends at the NASA Ames / SETI conference we both attended back in July.
Before dinner, we all watched Jeopardy! at Andre's place, since a friend of his (and former Trek writer) was a contestant tonight (and she won!).
Before that, Carolyn and I had gone to museums: first, the La Brea tar pits museum, then the Los Angeles Contemporary Museum of Art, to see a wonderful exhibition on Salvidor Dali's work for the movies in the 1940s and beyond -- really fascinating.
But, as they say on Star Trek, all good things must come to an end: tomorrow morning, Carolyn and I fly back to Toronto.
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