A great site for free ebooks

Over at manybooks.net, you'll find 19,000 ebooks available in all popular reader formats, including my own favorite, eReader, plus Kindle, Mobipocket, Rocket, Palm DOC, HTML, and many more -- the site will even produce a custom PDF to your exact specifications (font, type size margins, line spacing).
Included are almost all the Project Gutenberg offerings (but formatted for your favorite reading software) and a lot of more recent Creative Commons material.
What I'm reading now, courtesy of manybooks.net, is "Valley of Dreams," the little-known sequel to Stanley G. Weinbaum's SF classic "A Martian Odyssey."
The manybooks.net site is the work of one guy, a fellow named Matthew McClintock. He offers all the books for free, but I just sent him a small PayPal donation to show my appreciation.
The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site
Labels: ebooks
Good site, Rob!
May I also recommend Munseys, formerly Blackmask?
Cool! Thanks for the heads up!
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