What rhymes with Quintaglio?

In honour of the mass-market paperback release of my 17th novel Rollback, I'm participating next Wednesday in what is probably better known as a poetry reading series, but it should be great fun, so please join us:
Rowers Pub Reading Series
Rowers Pub, 150 Harbord Street, 2nd floor (416 961-6277)
(W of Spadina, just E of Brunswick, on Harbord)
Toronto, Ontario.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Doors open at 7:00 p.m. Evening starts at 7:30 p.m.
Free (a hat is passed)
The Rowers Pub Reading Series, which runs the first Wednesday of the month, has as its February features: Robert J. Sawyer (Rollback, Tor Books, 2007); Sarah Sheard (The Hypnotist - Doubleday Canada, 1999); and Priscila Uppal (Ontological Necessities - Exile Editions, 2006).
We acknowledge financial assistance through The Canada Council for the Arts through The Writers' Union of Canada, and a donation from Alexander McCall Smith. For more information visit rowerspubreadingseries.com.
The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site
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