Aurora Award winners

My congratulations to Nalo Hopkinson, whose The New Moon's Arms took the English Long-Form Aurora Award this year; it was an honour to be on a ballot with such a fine book, and I'm thrilled to see Nalo win her first Aurora. Way to go, Nalo!
I was also honoured to be the presenter of the Lifetime Achievement Aurora to Dennis Mullin, the recently retired administrator of the Auroras. This was the first Lifetime Achievement Aurora to be given since 1986, and was richly deserved. And I was thrilled to accept Julie E. Czerneda and Jana Paniccia's award in the Best English (Other) Category. And, of course, it was delightful to see my writing student Hayden Trenholm win the Best Short-Form Work in English trophy.
TV personality Liana K did a great job as master of ceremonies; Tanya Huff gave a wonderful speech at the awards banquet; and Clint Budd did sterling work running the awards this year.
The winners of the 2008 Prix Aurora Awards were announced Sunday 18 May 2008 at Keycon 25 in Winnipeg:
Lifetime Achievement:
Dennis Mullin
Best Long-Form Work in English:
The New Moon's Arms by Nalo Hopkinson (Warner)
Best Long-Form Work in French:
Cimetière du musée by Diane Boudreau (du Phoenix)
Best Short-Form Work in English:
"Like Water in the Desert" by Hayden Trenholm (Challenging Destiny)
Best Short-Form Work in French:
"Sur la plage des Èpaves" by Laurent MacAllister (Solaris)
Best Work in English (Other):
Under Cover of Darkness edited by Julie E. Czerneda & Jana Paniccia (DAW)
Best Work in French (Other):
No nominations.
Artistic Achievement:
Lar deSouza
Fan Achievement (Fanzine):
No award.
Fan Achievement (Organizational):
Penny Lipman
Fan Achievement (Other):
Paul Bobbitt (editor of The Voyageur)
The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site
Julie E. Czerneda has an award? Cool.
Robert, I'm reading Identity Theft right now, and I just finished up The Good Doctor.
I understand the irony of the motion sickness. I can't think of anything worse than having to clean up after a motion-sick alien...except maybe not understanding the joke at the end of the story. Please help.
Read the line outloud: it's "Doctor Isaac Asimov."
Hi, Evaneo. Actually, Julie has won Auroras in the past, too:
Novel, 2002: In the Company of Others (SF) by Julie E. Czerneda of Orillia. DAW, 2001.
Short Story, 2002: "Left Foot on a Blind Man" (SF) by Julie E. Czerneda. In Silicon Dreams, Martin H. Greenberg and Larry Segriff, ed., DAW, 2001.
OMG, I did win it! I've been moving house, and only just got online again after almost a week. Thanks for posting the news, Rob!
Hi, Nalo. Congratulations, my friend! I called your house just after the ceremony, but only got your voice-mail.
Dave Duncan is bringing the trophy to you, and will give it to you at your joint reading this week. CONGRATS!, I knew it was simple, and I knew it was about one of the great writers of our time, but I did not get the joke. Thanks so much for clearing that up!
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