Calculating God at U of T

It delights me that my books are widely taught -- and it's always a special thrill when I get to visit a class that's studying one of them.
Yesterday, I went to the University of Toronto at Mississauga and spoke to Chet Scoville's class for two hours about my 2000 novel Calculating God. Lots of great questions from the students, and lots of fun for me.
Mine is the final and most recent book on Chet's course list. Other titles include Wells's The Time Machine, Clarke's Childhood's End, Le Guin's The Left Hand of Darkness, and Gibson's Neuromancer.
The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site
Dang! A much better title for this blog post would have been "The Search for God at Harvard ... of the North," since U of T likes to style itself that way (for those who don't know, The Search for God at Harvard is the title of a book by Ari L. Goldman).
Robert, ever thought of recording & then posting the audio for one of these? I'd totally dig hearing one.
Just think about it. Thanks!
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