San Diego Comic-Con: Day 3

Today was my "Spotlight on Robert J. Sawyer" event. I was pleasantly surprised by the size of the audience, and very gratified by the quality of the questions in the Q&A.
After my talk, I had some nice chats with people, including a woman who is now a Hollywood scriptwriter who had read Far-Seer when she was 14, and had sent me a fan letter then, and a man who is a paleontologist at the University of Texas.
I was also touched by the industry professionals who came out to my talk, including fellow writer Jean Lamb; Fraser Robinson, the head of original production for Space: The Imagination Station; and film producers Keith Calder and Jessica Wu (who have my "Identity Theft" under option; Keith, who is a six-year veteran of the San Diego Comic-Con, kindly observed that my talk was one of the very best he'd ever heard there).
Today was also my big day for going through the vast exhibition/dealers' area ... and for buying things! I'll say more about my acquisitions later, but I'm very pleased with them.
During the day I ran into Craig Engler from the SciFi Channel, Mark Askwith from Space: The Imagination Station, and fellow writers Mike Shepherd/Mike Moscoe, and Kevin J. Anderson and Rebecca Moesta Anderson.
I stopped by the Ace Science Fiction booth, and spoke to a marketing person who said the cover for my forthcoming novel Wake is spectacular (I haven't yet seen it myself; apparently, it was just finished). And Carolyn and I went to the Ace/Roc presentation (a PowerPoint presentation about upcoming Ace and Roc titles through the end of the is year) -- very well attended, and very interesting.
Dinner was with film producers Jessica Wu and Keith Calder at a wonderful restaurant called Cafe Chloe.
I can't believe this convention is only half over! :)

(A giant Sleestak from Land of the Lost in the dealers' room)
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