T. rex is standing guard!

I have the Best. Fans. Ever.
Matthew Lachmuth, of Calgary, Alberta, made the T. rex skeleton pictured above as a present for me. He did it as a project in his welding class at SAIT Polytechnic. The skeleton is 39 inches long, 21 inches high, and 4.5 inches wide at the widest point, and it weighs 30 pounds (and the box it arrived here in via Greyhound bus was, as Matt said in an email, "positively Brobdignagian").
I'd first met Matt at the December 2006 meeting of IFWA, Calgary's Imaginative Fiction Writers Association -- terrific guy; a real gentleman. But I never expected such a wonderful gift!
It's beautifully done, and very, very impressive. I'm thrilled to have it! Many thanks, Matt!

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site
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