Rob interviewed -- in the travel section!

Papers, please! Today's National Post -- a Canadian daily newspaper -- has a brief interview with me (formatted horribly in the online edition, I must say) in the travel section. You can read it online (at least for a while) here.
In theory, the hardcopy edition also has a passport-style photo of me -- but at -18 degrees Celsius right now, I'm not going out to the National Post box on my street corner to find out!
(At least online, the freelancer who did the interview didn't get credit, so let me tip my hat to the writer here: the piece is by Jesse Kinos-Goodin.)
The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site
Labels: Interviews
It's that cold outside? Sheesh, I hadn't checked yet. I guess I'll be giving the hard-copy version a miss too.
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