New Scientist on "The Unknown Internet"

New Scientist just uploaded eight short articles about "The Unknown Internet," including this one entitled "Could the net become self-aware?," which speaks to the themes of my novel Wake.
In the article on self-awareness, Ben Goertzel, who appears in the acknowledgments of Wake, says, "The internet behaves a fair bit like a mind. It might already have a degree of consciousness."
The articles also appear in the May 2, 2009, print edition of the magazine.
The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site
Labels: Wake
The smartest thing a self-aware Web would do would be to make sure we never find out about it (until it's too late).
Like WAKE's promise, (and unlike most A.I SF stories) Ben Goertzel, the chair of the Artificial General Intelligence Research Institute, believes such an emergence would be a good thing.
--- from the article---
It shouldn't be something to fear, says Goertzel: "The outlook for humanity is probably better in the case that an emergent, coherent and purposeful internet mind develops."
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