Fair Warning!

After a Herculean effort, I am done. I critiqued 29 manuscripts when I was writer-in-residence at the Canadian Light Source, and I've just finished going through a dozen more (most of them 8,000 words long) for the writers' workshop I'm running staring on Wednesday in Calgary.
I've written the last book introduction I was committed to write (for Campus Chills, edited by Mark Leslie); I've blurbed the last book I had to blurb (indeed, I haven't been blurbing at all this year, but made an exception for a special case). I've written all the letters of reference I had to write, and all the convention biographies I needed to do.
I've written the catalogue copy and cover copy for the next title I'm involved with coming from Red Deer Press.
I've answered every by-email interview question, caught up on my mail, etc. etc. etc.
My plate is clean, except for:
1) Finishing my novel Wonder, which is due at my publishers at the end of April 2010, and
2) Writing my script for FlashForward (which has its season finale the day before my novel deadline).
Neither of those are small tasks; in fact, they're gigantic. And I'm not taking on anything else until they're done. The next eight months are mine, for my writing.
Visit The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site
and WakeWatchWonder.com
...And as it should be.
After all, we love you more for your work more than your blurbs, book introductions, and convention biographies (as lovely as they may be). And while paying forward by critiquing a bushel of manuscripts pleases just as many fans, it is still the work we love the most. So good for you on drawing that line and putting your fans first! You and we deserve it ...Well, we fans most of the time. ;)
Don't tell my friend F. Paul Wilson. His schedule is extremely packed of late. Hes' still putting out a book a year, and he only writes part-time. The rest of the time he's a doctor; he has his own practice.
Enjoy your temporary light workload. :)
Not that I complain that you went through a dozen 8k word manuscripts for Calgary’s workshop, but I do look forward to reading WONDER.
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