RJS Books co-hosts Friday night Worldcon party

Robert J. Sawyer Books, the imprint I edit for Red Deer Press (a Fitzhenry & Whiteside Company), is co-hosting the SF Canada Party at the Montreal World Science Fiction Convention, starting at 9:00 p.m. in the Delta Hotel, Suite 2815.
(But come an hour earlier to the same place for the launch of new novels by two of my writing students, Hayden Trenholm and Matthew Johnson, both of who have books debuting at Worldcon from Bundoran Press.)
And Robert J. Sawyer, Paddy Forde, and Robert Charles Wilson will all be signing Distant Early Warnings: Canada's Best Science Fiction Thursday at 4:00 p.m. at the Fitzhenry & Whiteside / Robert J. Sawyer Books table at the Worldcon.

Visit The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site
and WakeWatchWonder.com
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