Reviews of the novel Flashforward

Reviews of the Aurora Award-winning novel FlashForward by Robert J. Sawyer, basis for the ABC TV series of the same name:
"A thoroughly entertaining novel. The characters and story keep you turning the pages to see how this future turns out." CNN
"A creative, soul-searching exploration of fate, free will, and the nature of the universe. This first-rate, philosophical journey should have wide appeal." Publishers Weekly (starred review, denoting a book of exceptional merit)
"The idea behind this book is unbelievably cool. Sawyer fully examines the double-edged sword of foreknowledge. Readers will enjoy Flashforward's stunningly neat wrap-up."
"A novel full of very human pain and confusion on several levels, from the emotional ones of grief and love to the intellectual ones of theoretical physics and philosophy." Analog
"An utterly fascinating premise, and hard questions about free will and determinism. Sawyer imagines both the poignant and the darkly humorous sides to knowing one's own future." Winnipeg Free Press
"Great storytelling, with well-developed characters that you care about." The Boston Globe
"Sawyer's strength lies in combining human-sized problems with cutting-edge science; he does a masterful job of blending them here." The Davis Enterprise (Davis, California)
"Needless to say, I like Flashforward. Sawyer manipulates an intricate plot brilliantly." Denver Rocky Mountain News
"Sawyer's book is both intellectually and dramatically satisfying." The Orlando Sentinel
"Sawyer brings a fresh and startling approach to a tale that explores the repercussions of knowing the future." Library Journal
"An intricate examination of fate and free will. Sawyer's ingenious conundrum and his deft handling of his characters' differing viewpoints make Flashforward a provoking read." Maclean's: Canada's Weekly Newsmagazine
"An excellent SF novel, a perfect blend of cosmic speculation and human drama, and Sawyer's best book yet. Flashforward's plot lets Sawyer muse on true love, free will, quantum reality, and the nature of consciousness while telling a funny, wrenching tale of fallible humans in a mystifying universe." Starlog
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