SFWRITER.COM > Futurism > 2020 Vision > Brain Implants
2020 Vision
Brain Implants
(Rehearsal Transcript)
First aired 2 January 1998
What is 2020 Vision?
Gillian Deacon introduces Robert J. Sawyer. This
time, Rob is a man who has recently had an implant placed in his
brain. It gives him instantaneous access to the A.D. 2020
equivalent of the World Wide Web all of the recorded data of
Gillian: Rob, it's Gill Deacon, and I
Rob (interrupting): Gill short for Gillian Deacon.
Co-host of @discovery.ca, the twentieth-century's
only daily science-news program. You started working at The
Discovery Channel on (date). You were born in Toronto, Ontario,
Gillian (flustered): Stop right there! My goodness . . . you know
all about me.
Rob: The moment you said your name, my brain implant
accessed the knowledge banks and got all the public information
on record about you. It's a great device; too bad not everyone
can afford one. Still do you want to know what job you'll
have in 2020?
Gillian: Umm, no. Besides, are you sure it's me?
There's got to be more than one Gill Deacon in the world.
Rob: The implant checked all their faces; it found you in
less than a second.
Gillian: So what has happened to privacy?
Rob: I don't have access to truly personal information; I
don't know how much you make, or anything like that . . . but if it
was ever reported in the press, or filed with a government
office, or otherwise made public, I can retrieve it instantly.
In fact, to make things even simpler, my implant sends out a
transponder signal: it identifies me to everyone else who has an
implant. If I'm attending a party, my transponder lets everyone
know what my job is, what my hobbies are, what my marital status
is, and so on. If you and I shared an interest in, say, folk
music, our implants would immediately notify us, and we could
start up a conversation.
Gillian: Notify you? How? Does it talk to you?
Rob: No, it interfaces directly with my brain. The
information appears full blown, just as if I'd called it up from
memory. And of course, I can access all sorts of information,
not just stuff about people. Ask me about anything.
Gillian: All right. What's the capital of Bulgaria?
Rob: (without missing a beat) Sofia, which has a
population in your time of 1.1 million people. It was originally
a Thracian settlement, but over the centuries has been controlled
by Rome, Byzantium, Ottoman Turkey, Russia, and
Gillian: What's the nearest class-F star to our sun?
Rob: Procyon A in Canis Minor, 11.4 light-years away, at
right ascension
Gillian: That's incredible! But what happens to
schooling? Couldn't every kid get an "A" in every subject with
that kind of information available?
Rob (with the arrogance of the brain-enhanced): Such 20th
century thinking . . . We've shifted away from rote memorization to
analysis, and learning how to use information effectively, and,
oh, look, Gill, sorry, but I've got to go. My implant says that
there's a person over there who shares my interest in fossil
hunting. See you!
(Rob exits from the frame)
More Good Reading
Other "2020 Vision" scenarios
Rob's CBC Radio Science FACTion columns
"2020 Vision" press release
Rob on TV with lots of stills!
Media backgrounder on Rob Sawyer
Radio-TV Interview Report ad for Factoring Humanity
Radio-TV Interview Report ad for Frameshift
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