SFWRITER.COM > CBC Newsworld and the Columbia Heroes
CBC Newsworld and Columbia
Saturday, February 2, 2003, at 12:50 a.m. Eastern time
At 9:37 a.m. Eastern time on February 1, I was awoken in my
bedroom by my wife saying the phone was ringing. (We'd been up
late the night before.) We have the ringer off in our bedroom,
but she was awake and had heard it from her office, down the
hall. Since the bedroom phone is on my night table, not hers, I
picked it up.
A producer from CBC Newsworld (the public broadcaster's national
cable news channel up here) was on the phone and told me that
contact had been lost with Columbia. He put me on hold, with the
CBC Newsworld audio in the background, while my wife put on the
TV, and we flipped back and forth between channels, watching the
breaking news. I tried very rapidly to come up to speed on the
shocking, horrible, devastating events. I saw the video footage,
and my heart sank. At about 9:42 just five minutes after
waking I was on the air, doing a phone interview for live
The interviewer (I'm sorry, but I don't know her name, or even
what city she was in Newsworld does production across Canada;
I've been on Newsworld many times, but never had been interviewed
by this woman) did indeed ask me a question related to whether
this was a terrorist attack, and whether it had been arrogant of
the Americans to launch a shuttle now. The idea that it was
terrorism hadn't even occurred to me it looked like a tragic
accident, and I was reliving my memories of when Challenger had
blown up all those years ago. So, the question took me by
In any event, I told her no, it wasn't arrogance, and added that
the Bush administration had very much had a business-as-usual
policy post-September 11; I can't remember exactly how I phrased
it, but my thought was that if you let terrorists freeze you into
doing nothing out of fear, they've won. I wish I remembered her
exact words better, and my own, but, like everyone else I was in
I'm sure she didn't mean to be offensive, and it was quite clear
during our brief interview that she was being distracted by all
sorts of chatter in her earpiece (she first introduced me as
Robert Fischer, who is a staff reporter the CBC).
After finishing interviewing me, she had on Randy Attwood, also
by phone; Randy is the former president of the Royal Astronomical
Society of Canada. I listened to his interview, but then my wife
and I started channel surfing, looking for other coverage; we
settled on CNN. I didn't see any more of the Newsworld coverage.
I have no direct knowledge of what the reporter said
subsequently, but there has apparently been much discussion of it
online, including in this blog: The Ghost of a Flea
Here are two separate excerpts from that blog:
I am watching coverage on different networks. CBC
Newsworld just interviewed writer Robert Sawyer for
his reflections on the shuttle program and
potential causes of the disaster. The Newsworld
interviewer asked Sawyer whether the cause was
"arrogance" on the part of the U.S. government.
(Sawyer said no.) This is one of the most odious
questions I can imagine. It took minutes for the
CBC to twist a tragedy into a politically motivated
theatre of hate. Talk about manufacturing consent.
Furthermore... the interviewer linked American
"arrogance" explicitly to current potential
conflict in the Middle East. My only surprise is
the CBC did not manage to sneer at the death of
Israel's first astronaut in the same breath.
* * *
More manufactured consent as the same CBC
interviewer introduced the theme of American
"arrogance" in an echo-chamber interview with
another CBC journalist. She cited a "space expert"
-- referring to writer Robert Sawyer in which
"over-confidence" in the face of "fear and tension"
due to potential hostilities in the Middle East
could have lead NASA to go ahead with the flight
despite possible damage to one of Columbia's wings.
First, Robert Sawyer is a science fiction writer
and, while informed and interested in this stuff,
is hardly an expert. Second, in my view the CBC
interviewer misrepresented her leading question as
Sawyer's views. They were not. Sawyer clearly
denied the charge of "arrogance" and suggested that
at most a kind of over-confidence in a proven and
reliable technology may have been a factor. "Fear
and tension" in the Middle East had no place in his
As I said above, I didn't hear any of the woman's later comments,
but she did ask me whether it was an act of arrogance, and I said
it was not. If she ascribed any other sentiment to me later, she
was inaccurate.
My heart goes out to everyone involved, but especially to the
families of these seven brave heroes.
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