SFWRITER.COM > How to Write > Getting Good Press
Getting Good Press
by Robert J. Sawyer
Copyright © 1994, 2000 by Robert J. Sawyer.
All rights reserved.
First published, in a slightly different form, in the June 1994
issue of Alouette: The Newsletter of the Canadian Region of
SFWA. Postscript added February 2000.
Okay, okay I'm getting tired of being asked what's the secret
to all the good press I keep getting. Actually, there are
six secrets, and I'll share 'em all here.
1) Find some way to define yourself as a big fish in a small
pond. In my case, that was easy: there are in fact very few
English-Canadian science-fiction novelists (lots of fantasy novelists
de Lint, Duncan, Huff, Kay, Russell, Sagara, etc., etc.), but very
few who actually regularly write SF and most of the few others
who do are in British Columbia, thousands of kilometers away from
There are lots of other ways to define oneself, of course. I've
seen Gregory Benford make use of the fact that he's a real
scientist who writes SF; Frederik Pohl make use of the fact that
he's not a scientist at all, but still writes SF;
Terence M. Green make use of the fact that he's a
school teacher who writes SF; Élisabeth Vonarburg make use of the
fact that she's a French-Canadian who writes SF that's translated
into English; Guy Gavriel Kay make use of the fact that he's a
lawyer who writes fantasy; and Michelle Sagara make use of the
fact that she's a fantasy writer who has managed a bookstore.
For my own part, when the simple hook of "Canadian SF writer" (or the
more elaborate, but equally true, "Canada's only native-born
full-time SF writer") hasn't been enough, I've capitalized on the
fact that I was a business writer for glossy magazines before I made
a name in SF. Every journalist sees that there's
a story in a writer going from Bay Street to Beta Draconis . . . Just
remember: however you choose to define yourself, it's got to be
something that makes you appear special in the eyes of the press.
2) "Special" will only get you so far. Find something else that
will also make you newsworthy. For my Quintaglio books,
it was easy. The series as a whole is about intelligent
dinosaurs, and it came out around the time of the Jurassic
Park movie. Within days of that film's release, I got on the
CTV National News, a full hour on CFRB Toronto's "The Andy
Barrie Show," a mention in Canada's national news magazine
Maclean's, and 22 column-inches in The Toronto
Star, Canada's largest-circulation newspaper. But
Far-Seer, the first book of the
trilogy, also came out in the 500th anniversary year of
Columbus's voyage, and it told in part the story of an alien
Columbus, so that was a good news hook, too. For local media,
simply tying the book into an event like a public-library reading
or a bookstore autographing is often enough of a hook.
3) Being thought of as only an SF or fantasy writer will normally
just get you coverage in genre publications. So, find some way
to make your work appear to transcend genre boundaries. For my
first novel, Golden Fleece, that
was simple: it was an SF/mystery crossover, and that was
something the press found immediately appealing. For instance,
The Toronto Star did a special book-review column
headlined "Vicarious Travels with Super Sleuths" that reviewed,
most favorably, both my Golden Fleece and John E. Stith's
novel of a hyperspace starship, Redshift Rendezvous and
reviewed them as mysteries, not SF. Now, John lives in
Colorado, but the crossover SF/mystery idea was appealing enough
as a hook to get him reviewed here in Canada (and, conversely, to
get me reviewed in Mystery Scene and The Drood Review
of Mystery down south).
Likewise, for my Quintaglio series, the fact that they're
parables about great human thinkers (Galileo, Darwin, and Freud)
again lets the books be treated as being of greater than just
genre interest. Indeed, Books in Canada magazine reviewed
Far-Seer withough once mentioning
the words "science fiction."
4) You can't expect the press to hear about you on its own. Send
out your own
press releases. I used to write such things for
corporate clients, so I'm pretty good at it, but they're easy to
learn to do.
Also, get a decent photo of yourself, not some
god-awful passport thing, and send it out with everything. My
publicity shot, at left, has appeared in everything from Analog,
Science Fiction Chronicle, and Something About the
Author, to newspapers in Canada, the U.S., England, and even
Australia. At least partly that's because (a) it's a good
shot, well-lit and with good contrast, and (b) it was accessible
they had it on hand.
5) By the time your book is on the stands (especially if it's
mass-market), it's too late for most publicity efforts. It's
important to get word out to the media prior to the book's
actual appearance. A perfect example is having a full-color
caricature of me ending up being the cover illustration for the
May 1993 edition of Quill & Quire (the Canadian
counterpart of Publishers Weekly). Q&Q got a
galley of my Fossil Hunter months
before that issue appeared, and so were able to review that book
during its actual month of release. Now, they'd have probably
reviewed Fossil Hunter anyway, but no way they'd have put
me on the cover of the magazine if they couldn't have done it to
coincide with the book's appearance in bookstores.
Rules of thumb: get galleys into the hands of the genre
magazines (such as Analog) ten months in advance of
release, into the hands of trade publications (such as
Publishers Weekly and Locus) three or four months
in advance, and into the hands of newspaper reviewers two months
in advance.
6) This is the hardest one, but you've also got to find some way
to overcome the media's prejudices. First, there's a real
prejudice against SF&F: they're seen as juvenile, or escapist,
or poorly written, or crass, or commercial. Second, there's a
prejudice against mass-market paperback originals, the most
common format for SF books. Many media outlets assume anything
of quality must be in hardcover (how soon they forget that
possibly the most influential SF novel of the last twenty years,
William Gibson's Neuromancer, was a mass-market
original . . .).
I was extraordinarily fortunate in that my first book,
Golden Fleece, got some glowing
early reviews. Photocopies of those
helped me fight these prejudices from the beginning. I've also
made use of the fact that I've won twenty national and
international writing awards, appeared
in an anthology alongside such mainstream luminaries as Margaret
Atwood, Timothy Findley, and W. P. Kinsella
(Ark of Ice), and had some
publishing-related news hooks (books auctioned in New York,
multi-book deals, foreign sales, film options). But there are so
many SF awards, regional awards, best-of-year lists, bestsellers'
lists, and so on, that there are possibilities for positioning
just about any book of quality as something special, regardless
of its publication format.
So, that's it: the six secrets of promoting a book to the media.
Now, get to work and good luck!
Two Postscripts:
In February 2000, Robert J. Sawyer was asked the following
For a writer with a debut novel is there a better means of
getting reviewed than blindly sending one's book to dozens
(hundreds?) of newspapers?
Here's his reply:
I don't know anything about your book, but maybe these comments will help.
First, if your book is self-published the chances of any reviews,
anywhere, are very slim.
Second, if your book is a mass-market paperback, virtually no
newspapers will review it.
If your book is a novel, it's less likely to be reviewed than if
it's nonfiction; novels are most likely reviewed by papers in the
author's home territory.
Scattershot submissions are unlikely to bear much fruit; if you
can't think of a specific reason why the newspaper should review
your book, the newspaper's book-review editor probably won't be able
to think of one, either.
All of that said, the more copies you send out, the better. But
make sure you're sending it to the right newspapers; many papers
run only syndicated book reviews (ones provided by a wire
service), or belong to newspaper chains, in which all papers in
the chain run the same reviews. If the newspaper doesn't
commission reviews, the copy you've sent is wasted.
Your book should be accompanied by a
press release. Most newspapers won't
run a picture of your book's cover (they consider that advertising), but
may very well run an author photo, if you send one. A good
black-and-white 3x5" or 5x7", labeled on the back, should go out
with each copy of your book.
Good luck!
In July 2000, Robert J. Sawyer was asked the following
It sure sounds like you get more press coverage than do
science-fiction writers here in the United States. Why is that?
Here's his reply:
1) Canada is not nearly so prejudiced against writers of
commercial fiction / science fiction as the U.S. is. One rarely
sees an SF or mystery writer on an American talk show; such
people are common on Canadian ones. Also, in the States, your
celebrities are TV stars and movies stars; well, Canada doesn't
have many of either still living inside its borders, so our
celebrities are writers.
2) I'm a good interview quotable in print and personable on
the air; about half the media I do in any given year is repeat
business from earlier years. I spent eight years as a freelance
print journalist, and I have a bachelor's degree in Radio and
Television Arts. Formal media training is a real asset to anyone
who wants to be seen on radio or TV. As one Canadian TV producer
put it, "Sawyer delivers what producers want." I also used to
write press releases and promotional materials for major clients;
I'm rather good at creating such things.
3) This is a key point: I write science fiction set in the near
future or present day, and I write issues-oriented science
fiction. It's easy to get on the air to talk about a book
related to the human genome project
or about the battle between creationism and evolution
(Calculating God)
because those topics are clearly of
broad interest; it's very difficult to convince any producer that
one's fascinating bit of worldbuilding about what tri-sexual
aliens living beneath the ice caps of a tidally locked moon of
Zubenelgenubi IV would be of interest to a broad audience.
4) I live in one of the Western world's media capitals. Toronto
is the headquarters of Canadian broadcasting and of Canadian
print journalism and of Canadian publishing. One of the crazy
things about Canadians is they think everything should be
decentralized, and that just because you live in rural northern
Saskatchewan shouldn't mean you should have any less of a chance
of being on TV or working in any industry. Americans know if you
want to be in the heart of filmmaking, you move to Hollywood; if
you want to be in the heart of the computer industry, you move to
Silicon Valley; if you want to be in the heart of publishing, you
move to New York. The same sort of geographic realities exist in
Canada, but most Canadians try to ignore that fact, fooling
themselves that location really doesn't matter. I embrace the
facts of geography: I could live anywhere in Canada, instead of
in one of its two most expensive housing markets (along with
Vancouver) I sometimes get wistful when I think of just how
fantastic a house I could afford in Montreal or Halifax, for
instance, but I understand the importance of being in greater
Toronto for access to the national media.
5) My wife Carolyn has, for three years now, worked for me
full-time as my salaried assistant and a significant part of
her job is booking me with various media. Tor and Tor's Canadian
distributor, H. B. Fenn, do good jobs of promoting me and my
work, as well, but still a significant majority of the media I do
is because Carolyn sent out a press release and followed up with
the appropriate phone calls. For instance, it was Carolyn who
landed me on Canada A.M. this year, which is the holy
grail for authors in Canada; it's Carolyn who has booked me on TV
programs in Rochester, New York, and Syracuse, New York, for
later this month; and so on.
More Good Reading
An interview with Rob about the process of being interviewed (1,500 words)
Crafting press releases for novels
Press Release Index
My Very Occasional Newsletter
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