SFWRITER.COM > Canadian SF > Ontario Hydra
Ontario Hydra
by Robert J. Sawyer
Copyright © 1992 by
Robert J. Sawyer
All Rights Reserved
In October 1992, so that I could concentrate on other projects, I
stepped down as coordinator of Ontario Hydra, Canada's oldest
association of science-fiction professionals. I'd held this
position since the group's founding eight years previously,
producing recruitment brochures, mailing labels, and three
editions of the organization's annotated membership directory.
D. Larry Hancock took over as the group's temporary coordinator
until a long-term replacement, Mici Gold, was found. As my final
act, I prepared this history of Hydra. Robert J. Sawyer
Hydra was founded by
Judith Merril, famous for the
13 "Year's Best" SF anthologies she edited. Early in 1984, Judy sent a memo
to a bunch of what she called "good SF heads," inviting us to
join her for "the First Night of Hydra North," Sunday, April 29,
1984, beginning at 5:00 p.m.
Said Judy: "The Toronto area 'SF Pro' population has
reached a sort of critical-social mass." She proposed what
turned out to be Canada's first association of SF professionals,
a group patterned after New York City's Hydra Club, founded in
late 1947. That Hydra's members included founders
Lester del Rey and Frederik Pohl, plus Judy,
Harry Harrison, Willy Ley, Fletcher Pratt, and
George O. Smith.
Of the original Hydra Club, Judy said, "The word
networking was not yet current, but that's what it was,
and more supplying pleasure and stimulation, as well as useful
contacts, for many of us for many years." Our own Hydra has
tried to provide these same things.
Our first gathering was held at The Free Times Café,
320 College Street, Toronto. Judy's original invitation went out to 21
people, and my recollection is that 15 or so showed up. A good
time was had, and we agreed to meet again.
After much discussion, we decided to hold future gatherings
on Monday nights, various other nights being ruled out for a
variety of reasons (I remember Thursday nights being scratched
off the list because Terry Green was a
big Cheers fan ah, the days before VCRs were common).
I was given the job of being the group's coordinator,
charged with organizing gatherings, inviting new members, and so
on. At the outset, I did all the mailings myself, but in Hydra's
second year I got the individual hosts to take care of sending
out their own meeting invitations on mailing labels that I
We decided that meeting in a restaurant really wasn't the
atmosphere we were looking for, and adopted a policy of getting
together instead in members' homes. We'd originally tried
monthly gatherings, but soon found that a quarterly schedule was
more to people's tastes. We agreed as a general rule to get
together on the second Mondays of January, April, and July, and
the first Monday (because of Canadian Thanksgiving) of October,
with meetings usually beginning around 7:30 p.m.
Of those who Judy invited to that historic first gathering
at Free Times, only John Robert Colombo,
Phyllis Gotlieb,
Terence M. Green,
Robert J. Sawyer,
and Andrew Weiner remain members
to this day (I, in fact, have the honor of being the only
person to have attended every single Hydra meeting). Members
who joined in the early years and still attend regularly include
short-story writer Gustav A. Richar, who comes all the way
from Pointe-au-Baril for our meetings, and horror expert Bob Hadji.
Lots of interesting people have shown up at Hydra
gatherings, including anthologist Alberto Manguel, Montreal
author Donald Kingsbury, American SF
writers Roger MacBride Allen and George Alec Effinger, University
of Toronto SF professor Peter Fitting, author
Robert Charles Wilson
(prior to his move to B.C.), authors
Garfield and Judith Reeves-Stevens
(prior to their move to Los Angeles),
Cosmos artist Jon Lomberg (in whose house we once held a
meeting, even though Jon wasn't there), and Ottawa writer
John Park. Sadly, two Hydrans have passed away since the forming of
the group: SF novelist Edward Llewelyn-Thomas (who died in 1984) and
fantasy poet Gwendolyn MacEwen (who passed in 1987).
[Founder Judith Merril passed away in 1997, and we've
since also lost members
Gisela Basarke (2001),
Ken Basarke (2003),
Phyllis Gotlieb (2009),
Andrew Weiner (2019),
Jan Stirling (2021),
Lorna Toolis (2021), and
Raymond Alexander (2024).]
Our membership has grown slowly and not always steadily. I
remember our July 1987 meeting at Andrew Weiner's home at which
the turnout consisted of Andrew, Terry Green, and myself. Still,
I worked hard over the years to increase our numbers (including
sending letters of invitation to all Canadian Members of SFWA,
as well as to every previously overlooked or emerging pro I could
find in the Toronto area). For the January 1988 meeting,
Terry Green produced a four-page mailing in hopes of rustling
up more interest in the group.
Our membership evolved as time went on: gradually, we lost
most of those who didn't actually write SF the booksellers,
critics, teachers, and so on began to drift away, whereas more
and more members of Toronto's burgeoning community of SF writers
started to come out. Judy's original group of "good SF heads"
had become almost exclusively professional writers and editors.
Early on, Hydra had been largely ignored (although
Taral Wayne did make snarky comments about us in a fanzine,
decrying the notion that pros should want to get together
socially without fans present; see the end of this page for Judy's rebuttal to Taral).
But by 1989 we were attracting a lot of attention, and I often got
requests from fans and aspirant writers for permission to attend Hydra meetings.
A formal membership policy seemed to be in order, so I coined one: Hydra
was to be exclusively for established professional science
fiction and fantasy writers, editors, and critics; it would be
open only to people who have been paid money for their work in
these areas. Of course, we were still a social group and all of
our current members would always be welcome.
And still Hydra grew: In 1989 we averaged 12 attendees per
meeting; by 1990, that number had grown to 18; in 1991, average
attendance surged to 34; and last year [1992] we averaged 30 people. In
the fall of 1985, our mailing list had 26 names on it; by the end
of 1991, it had grown to 49 names. Some of those, though, hadn't
been to meetings for years. After written notice of my
intentions, I dropped 15 names who hadn't attended at least one
gathering during the previous year.
By October 1991, our frequent attendees included:
Mark Askwith (Prisoners of Gravity);
Carolyn Clink (On Spec);
John Robert Colombo (Other Canadas);
Cory Doctorow (Pulphouse);
James Alan Gardner (F&SF);
Phyllis Gotlieb (Sunburst);
Terence M. Green (Children of the Rainbow);
Robert S. Hadji (Encyclopedia of Horror);
D. Larry Hancock (The Silent Invasion);
Louise Hypher (Ontario Science Centre);
Nancy Kilpatrick (Year's Best Horror);
Dave Nickle (On Spec);
Shirley Meier (Shadow's Daughter);
Gustav A. Richar (Dandelion);
Lance Robinson (Riverside Quarterly);
Robin Rowland (Analog);
Mark C. Sadler (Thin Ice);
Michelle Sagara (Children of the Blood);
Robert J. Sawyer (Far-Seer);
Karl Schroeder (Tesseracts 3);
Michael Skeet and Lorna Toolis (editors of Tesseracts 4);
Mandy Slater (Son of a Dark and Stormy Night);
M.R. Soderstrom (Figment);
S.M. Stirling (The Stone Dogs);
Jean-Louis Trudel (Solaris);
Edo van Belkom (Year's Best Horror);
Karen Wehrstein (Lion's Heart); and
Andrew Weiner (Station Gehenna).
Despite our growing size, the same four people ended up
hosting the vast bulk of our meetings: Robert J. Sawyer (eight times),
John Robert Colombo and Andrew Weiner (seven times each), and
Terence M. Green (six times). They also bore the costs of
mailings, beer, wine, soft drinks, and munchies. Of course,
those costs were minor when we were a small group, but starting
with our January 1992 meeting, we introduced a policy of asking
attendees to each kick in two dollars.
Over the years, Hydra members have been invited to several
special events (including a book launching on April 26, 1989, for
Garfield Reeves-Stevens's
Nighteyes, held at Tour of
the Universe in the basement of the CN Tower). We've also
all been offered free admission to some area SF conventions. And
at our January 1991 meeting at John Robert Colombo's place, the crew of
Prisoners of Gravity recorded
interviews with Hydra members.
Judy's original name for our group, Hydra North, lasted for
a long while, but several of us objected to its branch-plant
sound, so we changed it in 1987 to Toronto Hydra
Andrew Weiner's suggestion, and a pun on the name of the
electric-utility company.
By 1992, we had a lot of members coming from outside
Metropolitan Toronto, and so we changed our name again, this time
to Ontario Hydra (still a utility-company pun, and,
incidentally, an anagram for "Hardy Oration"). Hydra generated a
spin-off in 1991: Freelance, a similar association for
comic-book professionals, run by D. Larry Hancock
[now defunct].
As far as I can tell, there have been approximately 38
Hydra meetings, up to and including the one on October
5, 1992. Below are their dates and the names and addresses
of the hosts (not surprisingly, several of us
have moved once or twice during Hydra's eight-year
history). Figures at the far right are total attendance,
where available.
Hydra has been great fun. Many friendships have
been formed or strengthened through its informal
get-togethers, and I think we've all learned a bit more
from it about this crazy business we're in. After eight
years, though, it's someone else's turn to organize things,
and I do hope one of you will indeed step forward to do
so. Here's to Hydra's next eight years!
Hydra Meetings
Attendance figures, where known, are given at right.
1 | 29 Apr 1984 | Free Times Café | 320 College St. | |
2 | 11 Jun 1984 | John Robert Colombo | 42 Dell Park Ave. | |
3 | 9 Jul 1984 | unknown | | |
4 | 13 Aug 1984 | Jon Lomberg | 65 Leuty Ave., in absentia | |
5 | 10 Sep 1984 | Terence M. Green | 159 Parkhurst Blvd. | |
6 | 09 Oct 1984 | Andrew Weiner | a Tuesday; 124 Winchester St. | |
7 | 14 Jan 1985 | Terence M. Green | 159 Parkhurst Blvd. | |
8 | 15 Apr 1985 | Robert J. Sawyer | 300 Finch W., #301 | |
9 | 22 Jul 1985 | Andrew Weiner | 124 Winchester St. | |
10 | 18 Nov 1985 | John Robert Colombo | 42 Dell Park Ave. | | 15 |
11 | 10 Feb 1986 | Reg Hartt | 93 Borden St. | |
12 | 12 May 1986 | Robert J. Sawyer | 300 Finch W., #301 | |
13 | 28 Jul 1986 | Andrew Weiner | 124 Winchester | |
14 | 20 Oct 1986 | John Robert Colombo | 42 Dell Park Ave. | |
15 | 12 Jan 1987 | Terence M. Green | 100 Heath St., 3rd floor | |
16 | 13 Apr 1987 | Robert J. Sawyer | 300 Finch W., #301 | | 6 |
17 | 13 Jul 1987 | Andrew Weiner | 124 Winchester St. | | 3 |
18 | 5 Oct 1987 | John Robert Colombo | 42 Dell Park Ave. | |
19 | 11 Jan 1988 | Terence M. Green | 100 Heath St., 3rd floor | |
20 | 11 Apr 1988 | Robert J. Sawyer | 300 Finch W., #301 | |
21 | 11 Jul 1988 | Phyllis Gotlieb | 19 Lower Village Gate, PH6 | |
22 | 3 Oct 1988 | Mike Skeet / Lorna Toolis | 217 Beverley, #2 | |
23 | 9 Jan 1989 | Terence M. Green | 32 Brooklyn Ave. | |
24 | 10 Apr 1989 | Robert J. Sawyer | 300 Finch W., #301 | | 12 |
25 | 10 Jul 1989 | Andrew Weiner | 26 Summerhill Gardens | | 9 |
26 | 2 Oct 1989 | John Robert Colombo | 42 Dell Park Ave. | | 13 |
27 | 8 Jan 1990 | Phyllis Gotlieb | 19 Lower Village Gt., PH6 | | 15 |
28 | 2 Apr 1990 | Robert J. Sawyer | 300 Finch W., #301 | | 16 |
29 | 9 Jul 1990 | Andrew Weiner | 26 Summerhill Gardens | | 24 |
30 | 1 Oct 1990 | Meier/Slater/Wehrstein | 37 Bright St. | | 17 |
31 | 14 Jan 1991 | John Robert Colombo | 42 Dell Park Ave. | | 29 |
32 | 8 Apr 1991 | Robert J. Sawyer | 300 Finch W., #301 | | 34 |
33 | 8 Jul 1991 | Andrew Weiner | 26 Summerhill Gardens | | 38 |
34 | 7 Oct 1991 | Terence M. Green | 32 Brooklyn Ave. | | 35 |
35 | 13 Jan 1992 | D. Larry Hancock | 153 Woodington | | 31 |
36 | 13 Apr 1992 | Robert J. Sawyer | 300 Finch W., #301 | | 38 |
37 | 13 Jul 1992 | John Robert Colombo | 42 Dell Park Ave., in absentia | | 24 |
38 | 5 Oct 1992 | Mike Skeet / Lorna Toolis | 129 Aldwych Ave. | | 28 |
On March 17, 2014, I tried to pull together a list of people who had attended
Hydra meetings over the years (or attended early "Rob's Occasional Bashes," the
similar gathering that continued on after Hydra folded). This list of 121 names
isn't exhaustive, but gives a sense of how many people were touched by Hydra:
Raymond Alexander • Roger MacBride Allen • Mark Askwith • Chris Atack • Evelyn Baker • Gisela Basarke • Ken Basarke • Don Bassie • Stephanie Bedwell-Grime • Peter Bloch-Hansen • Shirley Brady • Jack Brooks • Linda Carson • Merle Casci • Laurie Lee Channer • Carolyn Clink • David Clink • David Coatsworth • John Robert Colombo • Ruth Colombo • Chandler Davis • Peter de Jager • Nick DiChario • Cory Doctorow • Marcos Donnelly • Lydia Dotto • George Alec Effinger • Ross Fattori • Paul Fayter • Karen Fernandez • Peter Fitting • Marcel Gagni • James Alan Gardner • Brian Gaston • Mike Glicksohn • Marv Gold • Mici Gold • Kelly Gotlieb • Phyllis Gotlieb • Daniel Green • Rick Green • Terence M. Green • Derek Grime • Peter Halasz • Jody Hancock • D. Larry Hancock • Joanne Hansen • Reg Hartt • Tanya Huff • Marian Hughes • Don Hutchison • Jean Hutchison • Louise Hypher • Greg Ioannou • Sandra Kasturi • Guy Gavriel Kay • Nancy Kilpatrick • Donald Kingsbury • Bob Knowlton • Mark Leslie Lefebvre • Michael Lennick • Edward Llewelyn-Thomas • Jon Lomberg • Susan Manchester • Gwendolyn MacEwen • Scott Mackay • Paul MacRae • Derwin Mak • Alberto Manguel • Russell Martin • Jo-Anne McBride • Shirley Meier • Judith Merril • Henry Mietkiewicz • Barbara Moses • Matthew Mutch • Dave Nickle • John Park • Frank Rambeau • Garfield Reeves-Stevens • Judith Reeves-Stevens • Gustav A. Richar • Lance Robinson • Michael Rowe • Robin Rowland • Mark C. Sadler • Robert J. Sawyer • Karl Schroeder • Shlomo Schwartzberg • Michelle Sagara • Peter Sellers • David Shtogryn • Michael Skeet • Mandy Slater • David Smith • Douglas A. Smith • Marty Soderstrom • Robin Soderstrom • Hugh A.D. Spencer • Gary Stephens • Lorina J. Stephens • Jan Stirling • S.M. Stirling • Isaac Szpindel • Gregg Thurlbeck • Sally Tomasevic • Lorna Toolis • Jean-Louis Trudel • Paul Valcour • Edo van Belkom • Roberta van Belkom • Jennifer Ward • Andrew Weiner • Karen Wehrstein • Tom West • David Widdicombe • Ian Wilson • Robert Charles Wilson • Sharry Wilson • Sue Witts • Theresa Wojciewecz.
In the Canadian science-fiction fanzine The Maple Leaf
Rag, published by Garth Spencer in Victoria, British
Columbia, issue #9, dated October 1984, Judith Merril
replied to the sneering comments about Hydra in a previous issue
that I aluded to above by fan artist Taral Wayne MacDonald
(TWM). Wrote Judy:
Judith Merril, 40 St. George St., Toronto, Ont.
M5S 2E4 (18 Sept [1984].)
Thanks for an entertaining issue of MLR. I particularly enjoy the
eclectic nature of your calendar.
I am stirred from my usual unletter-writing apathy by the
delicately poisoned typewriter ribbon of Taral Wayne MacDonald.
Let me try to set the record straight.
"AUTHORS ORGANIZE": by no means. Authors meet, yes. Hydra North
is neither particularly for authors, nor is it either organized
(by any definition) nor meant to be an organizing force.*
"professional writers' group": No. Professional-level involvement
in SF, yes: writers, artists, booksellers, teachers, librarians,
editors, etc.
"The Hydra Club North": Hydra North, so far.*
"People invited to attend ... " listed were six of approximately
25 who received the first notice. They included everyone I knew
of at that time as professionally involved in the field in the
Toronto area. (I did not know Bob Hadji was editor of a
forthcoming magazine.)
"The aims ... are a little obscure." Right on. There are
no aims, beyond association and conversation. There are no
goals to clarify.*
"connections between Judy's sponsoring ... and her editing an
anthology of Canadian SF": Sponsoring, no. Connection, yes. My
"sponsorship" consisted of calling an initial meeting to see if
people were interested. At that meeting Robert Sawyer became
Secretary or High Muckamuck, or whatever we decided to call him.
The "connection" was made explicit in the invitations: collecting
names and addresses for announcements of the anthology had made
me aware for the first time that Toronto now has a
respectable-size pro SF community.
"apparently a person is deemed unsuitable if they have a
background in fandom": This policy is "attributed to Judy". I am
not making membership policy, and I myself have a background in
fandom, as do Rob, Bob, and a number of others.
*It may be difficult for TWM to credit the idea of a
social club for people with certain SF interests, a
club with no power-game goals, no plans to host, publish, or sway
opinions. At this stage, at least, that is precisely what Hydra
North is. But I should make clear that everything about Hydra
North, including the name, is still fluid. There has been
talk about a constitution, about a membership committee,
etc.; one of these months we may in fact confirm or change the
tentative (branch planty) name, and decide on the title for our
executive officer. Then again we may not.
I should also make clear that although membership is for
professionals only, persons-of sfannish persuasion who wish to
visit a meeting will, in most cases, be welcome. Apply to Rob
Sawyer for location of meetings, which are held on the second
Monday of each month.
I hope you find space to print all this. Thanks.
To which editor Garth Spencer repliced:
((Why wouldn't I find space? I'd make space))
Rob Sawyer and Carolyn Clink hosted a 40th-anniversary
reunion party for Hydra on Saturday, May 25, 2024, at their
home in Mississauga. Of course, a glass was raised to the
memory of the late great Judith Merril and the other members who
have passed away.
More Good Reading
More about Canadian SF
Remembering Judith Merril
Rob's SFWA Presidential Platform
My Very Occasional Newsletter
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