SFWRITER.COM > How to Write > Public Lending Right
Public Lending Right
by Robert J. Sawyer
First published in the March 1992 issue of Alouette: The
Newsletter of the Canadian Region of SFWA
Copyright © 1992 by
Robert J. Sawyer
All Rights Reserved
I recently received a cheque from the Federal Government to
compensate me for lost royalties on copies of my Golden Fleece borrowed from Canadian
public libraries last year, as part of the Public Lending Right
Some Canadian SFWAns have been getting similar cheques for
years; indeed, at least one of our members has received total PLR
payments that now exceed his original advance against royalties
on his short story collection.
You can get your share of the money for 1992-93 if your
register your titles before May 1st.
The PLR program works like this: once a year, a survey is
done of ten randomly chosen mid-sized public libraries located
across Canada. For each title of yours for which at least one
copy is found in one of these libraries' card catalogs, you get a
sum of money. This year, it was $43.25. If that particular book
of yours is found in all ten libraries, you get $432.50.
You can register as many titles as you like, but there's an
annual per-author payment ceiling of ten times the maximum
per-book rate, or $4,325.00. Authors of collaborative novels
split the money.
Golden Fleece, a Warner paperback that came out in
December 1990, showed up in four out of the ten libraries, so I
got $173.00, which is equal to royalties on about five
hundred copies. Not too shabby for just filling out a form,
although, to be honest, I was surprised that my book showed up
that many times I'd been told that many libraries don't bother
card-cataloging paperbacks at all.
To register your titles, request PLR first-time registration
forms from [updated February 2010]:
Public Lending Right Commission
350 Albert Street
P.O. Box 1047
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5V8
Telephone: 1-800-521-5721 or 613-566-4378
Fax: 613-566-4418
E-mail: plr@canadacouncil.ca
or get them online here.
In future years, you'll automatically be sent update forms
for adding new titles, and more than likely a cheque.
More Good Reading
A 2010 blog post about the Public Lending Right
A 2009 blog post about the Public Lending Right
A 2006 blog post about the Public Lending Right
My Very Occasional Newsletter
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