SFWRITER.COM > About Rob > 2000 Year in Review
Robert J. Sawyer's 2000 Year in Review
- January 2: Discovery Channel Canada airs Inventing the Future:
2000 Years of Discovery, a two-hour documentary co-hosted
by Rob and Gillian Deacon.
- January 7: Rob attends the sales conference for H. B. Fenn and
Company, Tor Books's Canadian distributor, presenting
Calculating God to the sales force.
- January 14-27: Rob hosts the Writer's Studio on ChaptersGLOBE.com,
the online bookstore jointly operated by Chapters and The Globe and Mail:
Canada's National Newspaper.
- January 21: Finished revising my 1994 novel End of an Era,
which Tor will be reissuing in trade paperback in 2001.
- January 22: Rob, Nick DiChario, and Marty Stanton, teach a genre-writing workshop
at Writers and Books in Rochester, New York.
- January 23: Sold short-story collection Iterations to
Quarry Press, a leading Canadian literary publisher. The book will be
launched at the World Fantasy Convention in Montreal in November 2001.
- January 27: Rob is Guest of Honor at a wonderful celebration dinner
held at the Bristol Lodge by staff and gifted students of the Canandaigua
Middle School, Canandaigua, New York, where Rob's books are very popular.
- February 7: Recorded my fourth appearance on TVOntario's Imprint,
a program about books.
- February 8: Received a commission from Nature: International
Weekly Journal of Science to write an original science-fiction
story for them.
- February 18-20: Attended Ad Astra science-fiction convention in
- March 4: Did a day of consulting on futuristic uses
of imaging systems for Kodak in Rochester, New York.
- March 14: Finished my story "The Abdication of Pope Mary III" for
- March 16-26: Writing retreat with Mary Stanton, and (for part of the time)
Charles Sheffield and Nancy Kress, in West Palm Beach, Florida.
- March 23-25: Attended International Conference on the Fantastic in
the Arts in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Gave a joint reading with Daniel Keyes,
author of Flowers for Algernon.
- March 31: Welcoming reception for me at the Richmond Hill Public Library,
where I will be Writer in Residence until June 30.
- Tor Books releases the paperback edition of my 1999 novel
FlashForward. It hits number 5 on the Bestsellers' list
published in Locus: The Newspaper of the Science Fiction Field.
- April 1-2: Attended Eeriecon Two science-fiction convention in
Niagara Falls, New York.
- April 4-5: Attended annual meeting of Paleoanthropology Society
in Philadelphia.
- April 8-9: Guest Reader at Blue Metropolis Literary Festival in
- April 15: Taught science-fiction writing at the Banff Centre for the
Arts, Banff, Alberta.
- April 26-28: Guest of Honor, North Country Writers' Festival,
Watertown, New York.
- May 13: Keynote Speaker at Writers Circle of Durham Region Annual General Meeting.
- May 23: Interviewed live on CTV's Canada AM, Canada's most-watched
morning show, about Calculating God.
- May 26-28: Guest of Honor, V-Con 25, Vancouver, British Columbia.
- May 29-30: Keynote Speaker, National Life's Group Brokers Conference.
- Calculating God published in hardcover by Tor Books, New York.
- DAW Books publishes anthology Star Colonies, edited by
Martin H. Greenberg and John Helfers. My
"The Shoulders of Giants"
is the lead story in the book.
- Eos publishes Year's Best SF 5, edited by
David G. Hartwell, containing a reprint of my story
"The Blue Planet"
(originally published as "Mars Reacts!" in The Globe and Mail:
Canada's National Newspaper).
- June 9-10: Program participant, Bloody Words mystery convention, Toronto.
- June 19: Attended Canadian Booksellers Association trade show to
promote Calculating God.
- June 19: Did a live on-stage interview with Apollo 11 astronaut
Buzz Aldrin at Indigo Books, Toronto Eaton Centre.
- June 20: Did a joint reading with Charles de Lint at the University
of Toronto bookstore.
- June 25: Gala launch party for Calculating God at
Richmond Hill Public Library.
- June 26: Guest on CNBC's Rivera Live with Geraldo Rivera.
- June 30-July 3: Taught science-fiction writing at the University
of Toronto's Taddle Creek writer's workshop.
- July 6: "The Abdication of Pope Mary III" appears in today's
edition of Nature: International Weekly Journal of Science.
- July 16: Rob wins the Canadian National Science Fiction and
Fantasy Awards ("the Auroras") for both best English novel of the year
(for FlashForward) and
best English short-story of the year (for
"Stream of Consciousness").
- July 16-July 30: Book tour for Calculating God, traveling through
Ontario, Quebec, New York, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts.
- July 21-23: Attended Readercon in Boston.
- July 29: Calculating God is number 8 on the mainstream
fiction bestsellers'
list in The Globe and Mail: Canada's National Newspaper.
- July 31: Calculating God is number 7 on the
mainstream fiction bestsellers'
list in Maclean's: Canada's Weekly Newsmagazine, and
remains on the list for the next two weeks..
- ShadowLands Press publishes anthology Strange Attraction,
edited by Edward E. Kramer, containing my story "Fallen Angel."
- August 10-13: Attended Sunshine Coast Festival of the Written
Arts in Sechelt, British Columbia.
- DAW Books publishes anthology Far Frontiers, edited by
Martin H. Greenberg and Larry Segriff, containing my story
"Star Light, Star Bright."
- Tundra Books publishes anthology Be Afraid!, edited
by Edo van Belkom, containing my story "Last But Not Least."
- August 31-September 4: Attended Chicon 2000, the World Science
Fiction Convention, in Chicago.
- September 12: Keynote speaker at "S/SF: The 1st Canadian Conference on Science
and Science Fiction," held at the National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa.
- September 26: Bought a penthouse condominium in Mississauga,
- October 20-22: Keynote Speaker, Writers Guild of Alberta Annual
General Meeting.
- October 23: Guest Lecturer, University of Calgary.
- Autumn 2000 edition of Foundation: The International Review of Science Fiction
published with a photo of Robert J. Sawyer as the cover illustration
and my essay "The Future is Already Here: Is There a Place for Science Fiction in the 21st Century?"
as the lead article.
- DAW Books publishes anthology Guardsmen of Tomorrow,
edited by Martin H. Greenberg and Larry Segriff, containing my story
"Wiping Out."
- October 30-November 14: Visited Japan.
- November 3-5: Keynote speaker at Contact JAPAN 4, a conference
on first contact with extraterrestrial life, in Tokyo.
- November 11-12: Guest of Honour at Kyoto SF Festival.
- November 13: Met with Len Edwards, Canada's ambassador to Japan,
at the Canadian embassy in Tokyo.
- November 20: Took possession of our new home in Mississauga.
- Launch for TransVersions anthology, with my
"Iterations" as the lead story,
at Sci-Fi Café in Toronto.
- December 5: Toured Sudbury Neutrino Observatory, 2 km underground
in Sudbury, Ontario.
- December 14-15: Los Angeles, California, pitching a TV project
to US networks with William Shatner.
- December 19: Finished a new novella, "No Choice," commissioned
Hayakawa SF Magazine, to be published for the first time in the
February 2001 edition in a Japanese translation [later published in English
as "Ineluctable" in Analog].
- December 23: Hosted a 25th anniversary reunion party for NASFA,
the Northview Association for Science Fiction Addicts, our high-school
SF club, where Carolyn and I met.
More Good Reading
Rob's 2014 Year in Review
Rob's 2013 Year in Review
Rob's 2007 Year in Review
Rob's 2001 Year in Review
Rob's 2000 Year in Review
Rob's 1999 Year in Review
Rob's 1998 Year in Review
Rob's 1997 Year in Review
Rob's 1996 Year in Review
Rob's 1995 Year in Review
Decade in Review: January 1999 to December 2008
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