Sawyer starships at Brickfest 2008
by Rob - August 31st, 2008.Filed under: Uncategorized.
Ben Wall, a fan of my stories, just sent me the above photo from BrickFest in Washington D.C., a convention for adult fans of Lego. The placard says:
Brickfest 2008
Starships Merelcas and Starplex
by Phillip Thorne, 33Exploratory starships from the Robert J. Sawyer novels “Calculating God” (2001) and “Starplex” (1996)
How cool is that! :) :) :)
More of Phillip’s amazing work is online — including a Lego model of Hollus having dinner at the Jericho househould from Calculating God. Check it out here.
The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site