FlashForward DVDs land one week from today
by Rob - February 16th, 2010.Filed under: FlashForward.

Over on my Facebook page, I noted the above fact, and someone popped up to say, “Anybody else remember when they sold whole seasons on DVD?”
My response:
Sure, but we’re competing now with Hulu and online viewing and the whole darknet, where episodes are available pirated the day they’re broadcast. There’s a market out there that doesn’t want to wait until the end of the season to get to watch shows — and if you do want to wait, you can; that market is served, too.
The half-season FlashForward set is $19.99 at Amazon.com — two bucks an episode, with the later ones on the disk available just two months after they were broadcast; I don’t see a gouge there.
And, if you want to wax all nostalgic, remember when shows were released one or two episodes at a time on pricey VHS cassettes? Or maybe, you’d like to wait until demand somehow magically rebuilds for a show that’s gone? The Gods are smiling on you, then: The Mary Tyler Moore Show, the complete sixth season, came out on DVD last week as a single set — thirty-four years after the episodes were first broadcast. So much better, right? ;)
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