Just 120 or so of my closest friends …
by Rob - January 15th, 2006.Filed under: Uncategorized.
The open party Carolyn and I threw yesterday went fabulously!
We had about 120 people go through our doors, and peaked at about 100 people present. Folks started showing up around 6:30 p.m. and the last ones left at 2:00 a.m. Much food was eaten, much beer and soft drinks were drunk, and everyone seemed to have a good time.
It was an eclectic mix of people — old time Toronto fans, including Grant Schuyler (who used to be moderator of the Ontario Science Fiction Club, before I took over, back in the 1970s), Hugo-winning fanzine editor Mike Glicksohn, and Hugo-nominated fan artist Taral; many of my writing students (including a good contingent from The Fledglings, the writers’ workshop that spun off of my tenure at Writer-in-Residence at the Merril Collection ; lots of current convention organizers; lots of members of the USS Hudson Bay (local SF club, of which I’m a proud member); lots of my writing students; many readers of my books who aren’t involved in fandom; and so on.
And, as a testament to what fine people SF fans are, nothing was broken and nobody spilled anything on the rug. :)